10 - 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝙶𝚘𝚓𝚘

Start from the beginning

"I'm a white bear," I growled in a silly manner.


Before I could process my embarrassment, Geto stared at me with eyes wide open. Many expressions seemed to have crossed his face in mere seconds, but the most prominent one was disbelief. He looked as me as if I were an alien who landed in Africa and began befriending giraffes.

See how absurd that sounds? That was exactly how he looked at me.

"Y-you-!" I snatched whatever I could find before hurling it to him. If an ancient civilization would reincarnate now and ask for a life sacrifice, I would gladly offer myself as a tribute just to escape from this situation.

But then, Geto erupted into a fit of chuckles when he caught the straw yarns I threw. "What the- I never imagined you'd be this weird, (F/n)-san!"

My cheeks burned a deep shade of red with what he said. "Shut up!"

But instead of complying, he just continued laughing like a hyena. Loud wheezes led him to choke and cough up air, but that didn't stop the loony from clapping his hands in amusement.

"Geto-san, you annoying dork," I grumbled under my breath before my sigh developed into giggles. His laugh was irritatingly contagious!

"I'm a white bear," the moron repeated while copying my tone of voice, paired with exaggerating mannerisms of a wilted hand and rolling eyes. After the bad impression, he began to snort again. "Rarrr!"

"Help," I whined to myself, trying to catch my breath. My knees were already losing their energy from too much laughter, but I couldn't seem to stop whenever Geto and I would accidentally look at each other and I'd see him attempt to do the pose again. "Stooop. Help me, I can't breathe!"

In the end, both of us clung onto each other for support while snickering when someone tried to break the silence.

"D-don't you dare," I warned before accidentally letting slip a croaky chuckle.

"I don't think I can," Geto said with an upside down smile. He looked like he'd pop anytime, trying too hard to contain his expression. I quickly looked away and pretended I did not see anything or else another cycle would repeat.

"Jeez, (F/n)-san. Why are you never like this with Satoru?," he blurted out.

I stopped.

My brows drew a line on my forehead in question. I did not expect that name to be dropped out of the blue, but I did not understand Geto's context more. Sure, he was right, but did I specifically have to be like this to Gojo? What for?

"I don't get what you mean." I turned to him fully, asking him to elaborate. Our laughter finally died down.

"Ahh." He gave me a small smile. "I meant you're always strict with yourself, but you seem more intense when Satoru is around."

"I do?" Strict, yes, I would have to agree. Growing up in a household that gave me no space for mistakes, I naturally became a guarded person. However, I did not realize the thing about Gojo until Geto pointed it out. "I don't know. Maybe because he's purposely getting in my nerves?"

Geto scratched the side of his brow, smiling helplessly. He looked very fond of the other guy, though. "I understand. He can be a bit too much sometimes. Though most girls I know would trip over themselves if they got his attention."

Appearance-wise, it was a no-brainer that he'd get as much admiration from other people, gender be damned.

"He's good. I just wish to live my life in peace, but he's making it hard with the constant teasing," I sighed. I did not particularly hate Gojo. He was also bright and talented, but there was something about his sky-rocketing ego that exhausted me, especially since he'd go out of his way to bother me while I wanted nothing to do with him.

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