Start from the beginning

I have to admit, the idea of being alone with him in one room for a few hours straight is scaring the living shit out of me and not in a good way, if there even is such thing. The whole thing has me freaked out and has me position where I can't do anything but try to play it cool which is not always an option in my case.

But still aside from all that, life is pretty good, at least so it seems and it will continue to stay that way. But my reputation did come from somewhere, everything starts somewhere and for me it was from my beloved parents. My parents are loved by almost all the residents in city; there Isn't a time that you don't see my dad helping an elderly person cross the street.

My Dad - a total saint, never touched a single drug in his life, let alone ever dreamed of doing one himself. My Mum - a considered god send by many, started her own campaign at just the age of 16, where she helps raise money for all the people in need and the ones struggling with serious mental health issues; not to mention never fails to donate to one.

And then there's me, their only child and hope. An exemplary and Straight A student - always top each and every class, president of the debate team, a perfect example of good girl and who others should be like more.

But even with my good reputation it still doesn't help with my bad socialising skills and lack of friends, but as they say, "It's better to have one real friend then ten fake ones" which I guess I can agree with.

Especially with Javon being one of the only boys who can actually talk to me for a few seconds straight without wanting to use me to get something of his wish that I could provide him with - even if is just for some stupid project that I had no real interest in, it was still very appreciated.

He messaged me his home address a couple of hours after I gave him my Instagram.

And after a bit of convincing I finally got my Mum to give me a ride, i honestly hope i die in a car crash if that will save me the embarrassment. At least then i'll have a good excuse for not being there.

𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐉𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐧 said that his house was big, I didn't expect it to be 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 big. Sure he was kind of famous and there was about six of them altogether living in the same house including his parents, but calling his house big was kind of an understatement because it was a lot more then just that.

When I entered their house I was first welcomed by his older sister, 𝐉𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐚 - a total sweetheart and beauty, it must be all in their genes because if so, my parents owe me an apology. A fucking massive one that's for sure.

I also somehow ended up making eye contact with his twin brother, 𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐧 - Who was also unbelievably stunning, surprising me with how much he and brother looked alike, but with him having longer and slightly darker hair than his twin.

Last but not least was 𝐃𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐨, your casual but super adorable Roblox-obsessed 7 year old, who's laugh is funnier then the joke. There was nothing left to say about the Walton siblings except from the fact that they were all clones of each other, which in a way is good but then on the other hand is not. At least they know that they aren't adopted, unlike myself who looks nothing like my parents.

Before making my way upstairs, me and Jayla engaged in a small conversation. Turns out that being pretty isn't the only thing that she's good at, but also has a lot of different interests that she shares in common with me - starting with Volleyball.

For people like me, volleyball was more then just some dumb sport; it is my passion, one that will last me lifetime if not longer. Volleyball itself made a big impact on my life and shaped me at lot as a person. it began to interest me when I was young, not a day older then 5.

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