communication trials (NR)

490 13 0

warnings: ending is angst, implied cheating, gaslighting if you squint, anxiety themes, breakups

word count: 1401

you do not have permission to translate/repost my works anywhere! all mistakes are mine and mine alone. likes, comments, and reblogs are always welcome & appreciated <3

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When you originally joined the team of superheroes it surprised you how much all of them goofed around. All of them except Natasha. Within one week of knowing her you had made it your personal mission to break her out of the 24/7 spy attitude she kept up. It was a seemingly impossible task until out of the blue one day she joked back. From then on what started off as fun banter during missions slowly morphed into flirting in and outside of the compound. In fact, the two of you had gotten so close you bribed Steve with his own personal weekly taco night just to switch floors with you so you could live on the same floor as Natasha.

Now you have officially been dating Nat for five months. Easily the best five months of your life. Natasha loved how you were always so communicative with her. She enjoyed not having to constantly look for clues to know how you were feeling. You loved how she would always protect you from anything as small as a prank from one of the boys or something as big as an alien. Which you both had fought more than you would have liked. But most importantly you loved looking into each other's eyes. The simple action held so much security for the both of you.

The past five months were filled with many exciting , beautiful, and adventurous dates. One of your first dates was ziplining through New York City's skyline. It scared you half to death since you had never been quite as fearless as Nat, but you would trust her to take you anywhere. You knew she would protect you. "Come on, hurry up! I want to reach the top before sundown" the redhead jokes. You could not help but release a small chuckle at her. However it was quickly silenced as caught another glimpse at how high up you had already walked up. Just because you were an Avenger and dealt with heights and falling often doesn't mean you like to spend your free time dealing with it. Your voice came out a little softer than you wanted when you asked, "Natty, can we stop for just a second?" With a quick stop of her feet Natasha spun around and rushed to your side. Placing her hand on your cheek she softly spoke, "detka of course." That was the moment you knew that your feelings for the redhead was simply more than a crush.

After a few more dates and a couple months into your relationship Natasha had planned a spectacular evening for the two of you. Unfortunately the weather disagreed when a tornado was suddenly making its way through New York. She was crushed that all of her plans were falling through when she got an idea to do a movie night. Quickly running around the compound looking for blankets to make a small fort for the two of you in front of the giant screen Tony insisted on, claiming 'how will you be sure you've seen everything if it's on a tiny screen'. Throughout the set up Nat had been throwing threats at anyone who happened to walk through the living room with very serious ass kicking if they dare interrupt the upcoming date. Once the redhead was happy with everything she began her walk up to your room. Natasha had been more nervous than she wanted to admit. Your three months anniversary was coming up and she hoped that you could tell how she felt about you. Before Nat knew it she was at your door knocking. A quick opening of the door revealed you in your favorite pair of pajamas specifically requested by the woman in front of you. "Everything finished Natty?" you questioned. "All set and you can pick the first movie beautiful".

A month passed and you and Nat were walking down the hallway towards the meeting room barely being able to hold in your excitement for your first mission with just you two. Steve had been hesitant to send you both on a mission alone believing there would be too many distractions. It had taken months of convincing and non stop bothering to get him to finally agree. By the end of the briefing both of your faces started to grow sore from smiling so much at the reality of being sent on a mission together. Just as you began to stand up from being dismissed Steve said "Oh and try to make it back early so you can come to Tony's party on the 15th." Immediately your eyes widen when hearing the date.

Just when Natasha thought nothing could be going better between you she noticed some of your actions changing. She first noticed it on the mission as she made a passing comment to you, "wow those guys sure are lucky to be hit by such a stellar woman". Expecting a reply and not receiving one she quickly glanced over at you. All you were doing was looking at the ground and the four men you had taken out. The only thing on your mind was trying to figure out how to delay your arriving home from the mission. Giving your head a quick shake you continued on without even looking back at your girlfriend.

Much to your annoyance you and Natasha had finished the mission a week earlier than anticipated. As your least favorite day of the year got nearer and nearer you spent your week starting blowing off plans with Natasha for whatever reason you could think of. The redhead noticed how you would leave the compound not even fifteen minutes later every single time. She couldn't help but feel hurt by your actions. Doubt was starting to creep into the redhead's mind, but you always crawled back into bed with her every night. So she pushed away her instincts telling her something was wrong. You had always been so communicative with her. That was one of her favorite things about you. Why would she start to believe you would not tell her if you had an issue now.

Nat refused to let herself fall fully into that uncertainty. She knew all that would accomplish was her own spiral. And until this morning she had been successful. As she opened her eyes she saw the side of the bed which you always occupied was empty. Natasha began to rethink the events of last night trying to figure out when you could have snuck out of the bed. She could not help but think about how she should have woken up. She is a high level spy for crying out loud.

Right as Nat's about to get out of the bed to look for you the door to the en suite opens. You had carefully tried to open the door so Natasha wouldn't wake up. When your eyes met those green ones you couldn't help but frown quickly putting a neutral expression back on your face. "Sorry for waking you. I'm heading out-" The redhead interrupted and asked "Again?" Another frown made its way onto your face. "Do not be like that." "How can I not? You have been so distant this past week. Detka what's going on?" You take a deep breath trying to calm yourself. "Natasha drop it!"

"No. No, you've never been like this. You always talk to me, no matter what it is. You were the one person I never had to guess with; I always knew what was going on with you. I thought you seemed happy with me. But now? Now I have no idea what to think." You took a step back, trying to figure your way out of the conversation you knew was about to happen. Forcing a look of disgust onto your face you spoke, "this is not a good look on you Natasha." A pained expression took over her entire face. You had never called her by her full name. Not even before you dated. "Tell me what's going on. Let me protect you...please." With a grunt you started to walk towards the bedroom door when you heard Nat speak again, "are you cheating on me?" The two of you stare at each other for what feels like hours. You both recall how much comfort this action used to bring. Then you say, "I think we should break up."

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