"Nothing Akshu. I just want to talk... you see all I've ever wanted is a little privacy to talk to you and at last...I have it."

*Abhimanyu accelerates and drives in full speed with most of his attention on hearing the conversation*

"Akshu, why did you do this to me? Why did you marry him? Whyyy?" Nikhil screams. 

"I--I--- my famil-y" she fumbles in fear.

*Abhi sees red as he hears Nikhil's tone. He takes a sharp turn towards the orphange*

"You could've refused Akshu! But you didn't! And don't pretend to be innocent!" Nikhil screams as he punches a mirror on the nearby war and it shatters into a million pieces.


"ENOUGH! Don't think I don't know you were going to say NO to my proposal!" 

*Akshara sobs and Abhimanyu's anger reaches another level imagining her in pain*

"I saw the way he looked at you in the mehendi function... I saw the way you looked at him!

4 years Akshara, 4 years we've known each other! And the look that I hoped to see on your face for me...you had it for HIM!" he screams louder. 

*Abhi can hear Akshara breathing heavily... trying to control her anxiety*

"I thought by making you a little scared and helping you out...I could be your hero. On Kairav and Anisha's wedding day, I just wanted to scare you a little by trapping you in the store room...I didn't mean to hurt you Akshu, I swear... but that stupid Vansh pulled me on the stage for a dance...and till the time I reached...it was too late! You had hurt yourself... It hurt me to see you like that sweetheart but you know what hurt more? When that arrogant Abhimanyu took you away from my arms!" Nikhil growls. 

*Akshara was now trembling in fear...she could have never imagined that she'll see Nikhil in such an avatar*

"I knew I had to do something quickly... and so I talked to our families about our rishta... I was so happy that you'd be finally mine" He laughed hysterically. "But the moment I saw your reaction, I knew you'd say No!" He speaks angrily. 

"But luck was in my favour... all I had to do was make that arrogant doctor believe that you wanted to marry me... and that stupid fellow got tricked when I made him hear what I wanted him to hear on call that day!" Nikhil smirks

"Abhiiii" Akshara says breathlessly.

*Abhimanyu is shocked to hear those words...he is reminded of that conversation he heard and curses himself for trusting it so easily*

I'm sorry Akshara, I'm so so sorry, please wait for me... I'm almost there!

"Again Abhi? How dare you stand in front of me and take his name, Akshara?" He steps forward and pulls Akshara towards him, gripping her arms strongly.

"Ahhh" she cries in pain. 

"Why Akshu? Why did you do this? Why could you not love ME? I gave you one last chance during that party... I knew you were jittery and the best way to help you open up to me was to put you under the influence of a drug..." Akshara is shocked beyond her core.

"You...you did that" she tries to wiggle out of his grip but he holds her even tighter!

"Yes, but don't take me wrong...I swear I did not have any wrong intentions... I would've never done anything... I just wanted you to open up to me. I wanted you to let go of your outer walls and tell me what's in your heart... all I wanted was some alone time where we could get a little closer...." he says in a low voice.

"But now Akshu...enough of the talking part. Now it's time to take some actions... " He touches her Mangalsutra and she realises he's going to break it!

"Nooooo!!!" she pushes him away but the force makes her fall down. 


*Just then, the door opens and Akshara turns around to see a furious Abhimanyu, panting and twisting his knuckles...He sees her on the floor and his expression immediately changes...

He runs to her and helps her get up but her twisted foot hurts too much... He makes her sit down on a chair and then turns to face Nikhil*


Author's note: Abhi knows the truth now... what would be his reaction? 

How will the two families react upon realising it?

P.S A note for the silent readers- It takes a lot of effort to write the stories...I'm not just talking about me but about all the writers. So, it would be great would you could spend just 5 seconds to like/comment and let the writer know your feedback. Thanks :")

Abhira- Creating a world of their ownTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang