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It was almost noon. Moper was staring at the tall pillars which were decorated by carvings of such peaceful designs. Those designs were too intricate. Taking his eyes to the top, he was astonished and was subconsciously thinking about the distance from the roof which was domed shape till the floor where he was standing. He was walking slowly. Moper didn't feel his legs taking so weird steps. But then too, somehow, he was walking in a straight line. A girl from Moper's left came in hurry by walking as fast as she could. She had four dresses in her hand, each had two dresses. She was gazing at the dresses and was judging their quality. Moper and she bumped into each other forcefully. Both fell on the opposite sides as per Sir Newton's third law of Motion. Moper's cloth bag slipped off from his hand. The dresses which were hanging on the hangers held by the girl were free from the hangers and got scattered on the floor. Both, the girl and Moper shouted "OH!!HUH!!"The girl was tangled with her hair and her dress. She had worn an amazing Barbie dress. That dress on her was assuming as the white rose and moreover to that, Moper was staring at her. He grew in silence and was just trying to hear her voice.

He got up, and helped her to get the dresses on the hanger and till then she stood up and got herself neat. She looked at Moper and gave him a look. She saw the dresses in his hand. Moper was just staring at her fair face which was like cream. She snatched the dresses from Moper's hand and gave a look which might say, 'What on Earth are you looking at?' and Moper gave an answer in his mind, 'I don't know that. But this really isn't Earth.' She went walking to Princess Naira's room which was upstairs.

Her walk was just like an arrow shot from a bow, it was that killer. Moper was constantly staring at her and was observing her hair which were oscillating when she climbed up. She exited from Moper's sight and he continued walking straight. Before that he picked up his cloth bag and his name card. A guard came up to him and just behind that guard was a house-keeping man dressed in a neat and tidy whitish yellow colour long shirt and pant. That man asked Moper, "Welcome to the Palace of Naira...." This was the actual name termed by King Benglon after when his daughter Naira was born. "Would you mind if I take your luggage to our guest room?" Moper said, "Sure I will." The house-keeper gave a confused look. Moper recollected what the house-keeper was asking and said politely, "Oh, I am sorry. I would not mind." House-keeper said while he took the cloth bag of Moper, "Please make your move to follow me. I'll show your room." Moper followed him.

While the house-keeper was arranging the cloth bag and some mattresses, Moper was checking out the extraordinary interior designing of the room. He saw the room's roof with innumerable night stars designs. The roof was not appearing as the roof but it was appearing to be the real sky. The room had an in-built air conditioning system which kept the room cool and the fact was that the room's cooling system was working on ice. He saw the bathroom on one side of the spacious room and on the other side there was a window which had curtains in cobalt blue colour and were translucent. The house-keeper's name was Hami who had his hair brown with a brown moustache and his face was perhaps appearing to be the face of the owner of Kentucky Fried Chicken. He poured water in the glass which was on a glass table beside the soft and fluffy bed. Hami offered water to Moper. He saw the glass and took it in hand and said, "Thank you... umm your name?" "Oh! My name! My name is Hami. I'll be taking care of you like I do for this house." Hami said.

Moper, before taking a sip asked, "Sure, thanks. By the way when are you going to go home today?" Hami's smile went off. Moper got a bit tensed. Hami said, "Actually I am an orphan. Once King Benglon saw me begging in the distant woods and he had a conversation with me. He felt humble for me and brought me here. I am thankful to him." "Okay. So he is indeed a nice man." Moper said. "That's a universal truth." Hami said.

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