To Love An Alpha

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I stared blankly out the window of my Mom's mini van. Tree after tree blurred past me, why my Mother decided to move to this town in the middle of nowhere still baffles me. I mean i dont even get service out here so my cell phone is pointless! I turned my head from my current window of entertainment....trees.... and stared at my Mom maybe she would answer me this time. The last 300th times didn't work but hey what's one more try gonna hurt?

"Mom why are we moving to the middle of nowhere USA?

My mother sighs and starts to fiddle with the radio

"Now Danielle we already went over this."

"No Mom we haven't. I ask why we are moving and you answer with...." I stare at her waiting for her to answer

My Mom begins to twist the radio tuner back and forth constantly changing the radio station.

"It's just necessary. You will understand when we get there."

"See!!!! That doesn't explain anything!!! You rip me out of the middle of my senior year of high school, away from every friend I have grown up, away from our Pack, my whole life! and you just expect me to sit here and be ok with your answer. Just wait til you get there?!?! What so great about this dinky little town surrounded by trees and mountains?! "

I angrily stared at her fingers twisting the radio station

"And would you just pick a station already!" I pushed her hand away from the radio and glared at her as I crossed my arms across my chest.

"Danielle stop with the guilt tripping and just enjoy the view please"

"What the blurr of trees?"

"Yes the trees, just be quiet and everything will be explained to you in a few hours when we get there."

I tried to make my stare as icy as possible "Yah whatever."

"Danielle please just remember that everything I do is for you, I love you and always do what's necessary for your well being. Being a parent is hard especially being a single parent, you will understand one day."

I didn't respond. I just stared back out the window watching the trees buzz by. If only I could have my old life back. I closed my eyes hoping sleep would soon take over. I could atleast day dream about my old life I still had a few hours left.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2014 ⏰

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