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ight so i have a hc that PM's tears are acid like and can burn through stuff so yeah-

You were exploring some of the unmapped forest. (AN: yes i know i good at starting stories 😎) The main thing you are looking for is jellyberries, mostly because you feel if you don't eat in the next hour you'll die from starvation. There was a rustle in a near by bush but you just assumed it was a cake hound and left it. But the rustling kept going and as you got closer to it you heard.... crying? There was loud sobbing now coming from the bush and you started to panic. Pushing the bush's branches out of the way you look down to see a mushroom top. It was shaking quite a lot. You poked the top and it moved to look up at you. It was a cookie, most likely a child as well.

"What are you doing here kiddo? Are you ok?" you asked the little mushroom to which you get as a reply, "I d-don't know where i am-m" they tried to get out of the bush but was stuck. "Awe sorry kid, do you want help finding your parents?" you asked trying to comfort them by patting their head. Instead of answering they hugged your legs and sobbed harder. "AA-, ouch" you look down and your pants start to disintegrate, "what the hell-" you whisper to yourself. The mushroom started to cry harder and sit on the ground covering their face. "Hey, hey it's ok let's just find your parents, is it ok if i pick you up?" you ask them. They nodded slightly and lifted their arms as you picked them off the ground and put them on your hip. "Alright let's get going." you said to yourself. They ended up falling asleep on your shoulder as you walked around.

There was an abandoned building across the field you are at and you start to quickly walk over there but as you get closer you hear two people talking. Once you are at the old almost torn down building you watch in from a broken window. "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?" you saw a fairly tall lady with big horns and a staff yelling at some dude in a robe. "YOU COULDNT JUST WATCH PM FOR TEN MINUTES??!", she yelled, "I'm sorry mistress i thought they were just behi-" she cuts him off with a yell of frustration. "They are a child Licorice, YOU HEAR THAT, A FUCKING CHILD!!" she screamed, "You have to keep an eye on them for fuck's sake," she tried to calm down while the guy in the robe was shaking in fear. "Let's just go find them real quick and get the hell out of here, i'm tired as all hell," she grabs Licorice's robe hood and drags him forward. "Go to the place you saw them last and i'll look somewhere else," she said calmly. Before the two can walk away you run out from where you are hiding and spoke up. "Hey is this PM? I found them earlier and i'm assuming you are the parent?"

The tall lady stood there in a bit of a shock and so did Licorice. "Put them down," she said sternly as she aimed her staff at you. "Wait no, no i wasn't hurting them, nor took them, i just found them in a bush and-" right as you tried to finish your sentence PM woke up. They gasped and smiled "Hi Dark Enchantress," they waved slightly. They crawled off of you and walked over to... You assume her name is Dark Enchantress? "Did they hurt you hun?" she asked PM. "No they helped me," they smiled and pointed to you. She looks up and you and you gave a nervous smile. "Well.... thank you i guess." she said bluntly. "Do you not know who she is?" Licorice spoke up.

"Um not really," you said quietly, "Hm i'm assuming you are not from the kingdom?" you shook your head, "Nah i'm out here on my own really," you smiled and scratched your neck. "Well thank you hun, really i genuinely appreciate it," Dark Enchantress says. You were surprised she used that nickname for you and sat there silently. She walks over to you and gives you a short hug and pat on the head. Then she turns around to leave and puts PM onto her hip and starts to walk away. She looks back and smiles once again and turns away leaving you there in a daze.

god damn the ending is cringe 🧍

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