[Chapter 1 - Coffee Jelly, Take #2]

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You strolled into school with a slightly disgusted expression, carrying a plastic Sweet Street branded bag filled with the five-pack you had bought the day before. Well, it wasn't really a five-pack anymore as you had thrown away the one you tried.

You did not like coffee jelly. Not one bit. 

To you, it was extremely bitter-- and the slimy texture didn't help that fact at all. Jelly wasn't something you were a big fan of anyway, so, instead of wasting it, you decided to look for someone to give it to.

Well, so much for looking. You already had a person in mind.

You even wrote down your own personal note and attached it to the packaging, as a thanks. Your true intentions were to just find a reason to give it to him, as you had no idea who he was, or what he was like. Truth is, you didn't know who else actually liked coffee jelly. Considering that guy from yesterday bought a moldy packet, you thought it'd be best to give him a fresh one.

Yes, you knew the packet was moldy.

You knew what mold smelled like, and because there was some in every packet, the scent was kind of strong. You weren't picking it up to buy it, you were picking it up to make sure that was the cause of the moist-like smell. 

The guy also gave your bag back to you after you had dropped it on his feet. That thing had an entire laptop in there and he still gave it back. With everything in it. 

You had seen him before, but you didn't remember where. I mean, c'mon-- the guy wears antenna-like hairpins... and green glasses.

I'm pretty sure that would stand out a bit compared to everyone else around. 


You re-runned your memory over and over, but to no avail. You couldn't figure out where in school you had seen him. 

Narrowing your eyes, you let out an audible sigh in defeat.

Guess I'll have no choice.

"[L/n]-Chan!" The purple-haired boy called out the moment you stepped in class, making you cringe slightly.

Lord, I haven't even gotten to his desk yet.

You gave him a nod of acknowledgement, your grip on the plastic bag tightening as you glared down at him. He returned your behavior with a wide smile, happy that you actually greeted him back for once. 

"Do you know of a guy in our year with pink hair and glasses?" You questioned, gesturing to your eyes just to make sure he understands. "You mean Saiki?" He asks back, his smile fading once he sees the bag in your hand. "What do you want with him?" You let out a small huff at his stupid theories, opening your mouth to answer. "I want to know which class he's in."

He averts his eyes to the floor as his posture droops and he lays his head on his desk, sulking dramatically. "...Oh."

"So..?" You breathe out, attempting to calm your growing annoyance. "Are you gonna tell me?"

He perks up at your dangerous tone, still a sad look on his face. "Yeah... sure..." Toritsuka sighs and points to the back wall, you automatically assuming its the class next to this one.

You bow your head slightly, bringing back most of his mood as he smiles again. "You're welcome!"

Walking out and into the busy hallway, you mumble a small curse and wait for an opening, joining the human traffic and speed-walking towards the next classroom. 

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