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Travis- Now, pay attention, cause I'm about to tell you the secret to life. You ready? The whole damn thing is about decisions... little, seemingly insignificant decisions that clear the road for monster truck life-altering ones. You see, every path you take leads you to another choice, and some choices can change everything. Every damn moment of the rest of your life hangs on them. And boy , do I got a choice to make.

"Dr Fulton please call the admitting office at 325" (Hospital phone call)

"Are those for someone special?"  Ryan said watching me walk up to the front desk of the hospital.

"Someone who deserves the stars and the moon. All I got are these damn flowers" Travis said looking down at the flowers then back up to Ryan.

"I'm just here to talk to her"

"You go right ahead, Travis. If that's what you need. If that will help." Ryan smiled at Travis then walked off clutching his clipboard.

"PA Thompson to birthing centre" ( hospital phone call)

"To easy on me Ryan." Travis turned around and said.

"Your too hard on you, Travis,"

Travis game him a small smile.

Let me get you up to speed. Seven years earlier~

The beach was full of people flying kites and having picnics and the sea was fuller with boats, people swimming and surf boards.

"See that dog right there?" Travis asked pointing to the dog which had just barked. "They were bred to protect the artic villagers from bear and wolf attacks."

"You are so full of crap" said one of the girls in his boat.

"You kiss ya momma with that potty mouth?'' Travis replied.

'I dont know how he does it" said one of Travis' friend on the other side of the boat.

"What do you mean? It's his gift" replied his other friend."you know about Star Wars and travis is good with da ladies we're all dealt a hand"

"Them dogs live in the tundra, they dont swim in the water. You couldn't get that dog in the water for a F-150 full of milk-bones driven by a Lassie wearing a two-piece. Even if its a little gold one like that." Said Travis

"So your saying this dog fights bears and wolves, but hes afraid of the water" chuckled another girl.

" I see what your doing , your sassing me, and that's just cause you like me. That's schoolyard 101, it happens all the time."



"Need i remind you, I let you take marcie Hoffman to the azalea fest in seventh grade?" Said Luke, one of Travis friends.

"You let me?" Chuckled Caleb.

"I let you."

"Would you two shut up and help me down or would you prefer to watch me slip and crack my skull?" Asked Monica holding out her hand.

Caleb got up and took her hand and helped her onto the boat.

"Oh, excuse me. Look who's sassy pants" said one of the girls.

"You keep that up, there's liable to be some hair - pulling around here." Chuckled travis.

"Hey travis." Monica said in a flirty way.

"Hiya Monica," Travis said taking off his sunglasses. "Excuse me , ladies"

"You got time to grab a beer before yall take off?" Monica asked.

"Well, I got to get these knuckleheads home.." Travis said turning around to look at the two girls behind him.

"Just one quick beer? It'll be really fast, i promise" Monica said twisting her arm around his waist.

"All right."

"I don't think you and I have ever had just one." Travis said.

"Bye boys," Monica said.

"Bye Monica." They both replied.

"She's back" caleb said as the Monica and Travis hopped off the boat.

"Just like a boomerang." Luke replied.

"Unbelievable" they chuckled,


Don't you start." Travis said as Luke stood next to him.

"If that one thing is 'boomerang' I'm going to tie an anchor to your nuts and throw it overboard" Travis said not taking his eyes off the ocean and his hands still wrapped around the steering wheel of the boat.

Caleb chuckled and nodded at Luke.

"Boomerang" Luke blurted out.

"Shit." Travis sped the boat up causing them to fall over.

"Hey!" Caleb shouted,

Travis laughed not taking his eyes off the ocean.

Children laughing and shouting

"Hey!" Shouted the three boys

"Hey!" Replied the kids waving their arms in the air.

"Look alive, fellas. Here come your wives." Joked travis.

"Yall better start talking." Bethany said walking over to the boat

"We we're about to call the coast guard." Addy added right after.

"We got into some mackerel about three miles out." Travis said

"They we're jumping in the boat" added Caleb picking up the fish.

"Uh-huh" nodded Bethany.

"Price tag bro." Whispered Luke.

Caleb looked down and dropped the fish.

"Come on, kids. Let's go." Bethany said talking to the children.

"Guarantee they've been at dockside since noon" Bethany said walking away from the boat.

"Eh, more fun to let them think they're getting away with something" chuckled Addy


Classical music playing on radio

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2022 ⏰

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