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Just like life goes on. The world will never stop to turn over. The things you have lived today will never be similar as the thing you will live tomorrow. Does that mean you should go on even if it doesn't make you feel good ? Yes, you should.

"Passing through a  life crisis, then, makes us more human, more  compassionate, more accepting and understanding of ourselves and others. We no longer have to indulge  in making others wrong or making ourselves wrong. Handling an emotional crisis leads to greater wisdom and results in lifetime benefits. Fear of life is really the fear of emotions. It is not the facts that we fear but our feelings about them.Once we have mastery over our feelings, our fear of life diminishes. We feel a greater self-confidence, and we are willing to take  greater chances because we now feel that we can handle the emotional consequences, whatever they might be. Because fear is the basis of all  inhibitions, mastery over  fear means the unblocking of whole avenues of life  experience that previously had been avoided."

We all go through a lot everyday, everything is unavoidable so just live.

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