Chp. 15 - Breaking down

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'But that doesn't make sense Nighty...! Why would our fears make us ourselves? Wouldn't it just make us the worst of ourselves?'
He doesn't even realize that the popsicle was gone and he was chewing on the stick now, having curled up and still staring at nothing. It was concerning.

,,Error, Fear is only a part of ourselves, as so is happiness, joy and carelessness. But believe me, if you would only have the positive things or only the negative things of yourself, you wouldn't be yourself, y'know? And if everyone had this, then at some point everyone would be the same and way to careless or anxious."
Nightmare sighed, while Ink sat down next to Error, petting calmingly his friend's head.

'But why...? I don't understand...' Error then leaned into the petting, still chewing on the stick and ended up breaking it.
,,I know... it's really hard to understand, I am sorry. I didn't understand it too for a very long time..."
Nightmare sighed, while Ink flinched. ,,Ruru?"

Error blinked lightly when Ink called him, glancing down at his popsicle before putting his hand into his mouth and pulling the broken popsicle stick.
"Oh..." Error then slowly sets it down before feeling something wet roll down his cheeks, he had begun crying.
He then blinked before quickly attempting to wipe it away. 'Don't be sorry...'

,,Ruru..." Ink mumbled and hugged and patted Error.
,,No cry, Ruru!" He huffed then. ,,Kid, are you okay?"
'I... I don't know...' Error just slowly leaned to Ink and buried his skull on his shoulder.
He doesn't know why he's crying, maybe from the fear, maybe from the stress, maybe from something else, he doesn't know anymore... Why was he crying...?

,,Hey, hey, it's okay. Just let it all out." Nightmare cooed, while Ink was hugging Error tightly.
Ink was still hugging Error, while Nightmare went silent. Ink was whispering sweet nothings - in French - to his friend, trying to calm him down.

Error just kept clinging to Ink as the weight of everything came crashing down.
Just... Everything. From the cult, to the classes, to the bullying, to his brother's sickness, to the annoying bullied in school- everything.

Ink looked at his friend and rubbed Error's skull, before sighing and tugging Error a bit closer, almost on his lap.
Error didn't seem to mind however and just kept crying.
Eventually though, his sobbing had stopped and quieted down to just mere sniffles, still clinging to Ink.
Said child looked sadly at Error, before  laying his head onto Error's.
He rubbed Error's arms and back, hugging the other like if he would let go, Error would die.

It was silent for a moment when footsteps were heard entering the kitchen. "Kids?"
Comyet blinked once he saw Ink and Error hugging, Error's back against the door.
Error subconsciously squeezed tighter on Ink while Comyet blinked. "Awh."
Comyet softly spoke, not having seen Error's tears, but she did noticed the shaking.
She then approached them. "Error, are you feeling cold? You're shaking."
Comyet softly asked and Error was silent for a bit before slowly nodding, better than explaining that he was crying. "Alright..."

Ink looked up at his mother and shrugged lightly, not really understanding what his mother said and went back to calmingly rubbing his friends back.
Comyet then carefully rubbed their skulls and then left the room again, Error then relaxed a bit before pulling away, sniffling and shakily wiping his tears away.
That was annoying... Crying's annoying. He hiccuped. Damn it, hiccups.

Ink looked at Error, sighing slightly. ,,You okay?" He asked carefully. ,,Need?" He then added.
Error then shakily nodded, moving away from Ink a bit and wiping more of his tears.
Ink looked at his friend and looked around, before standing up and taking a glass.
He filled it with water and put it in front of Error, before sitting back down.

My Guardian Nightmare حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن