A Walk Maybe?

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Red Velvet's POV

"What may I help you with?" I look up as I hear Dark Choco ask me the question. He looked tired and I felt a little sorry for the ex-prince. "I'm sorry if I had caught you in a bad time. You seem to look tired, Dark Choco." This caught him off guard, Dark Choco looked to the ground and shook his head.

"It's.. it's fine." I knew I was avoiding the question. To be honest, I didn't think this through and I didn't think he would open the door this late. I finally spoke up after contemplating for a few seconds, "Um, I know this is late but.." I took a breath, "would you like to go for a walk? In the garden that is- I know it's late but since we're both.. up right now,"

I seemed to have trailed off because suddenly Dark Choco grabbed my hand, "Of course, Red Velvet. I'd like to." I could feel the heat on my face as I felt his hand in mine. I looked up to him nodding silently like a lost puppy. It felt weird, being next to him like this. I was a bit sad when he let go, Dark Choco heading to the door, suddenly turning to me. "Shall we go, general?" 

I didn't deserve this. I was the one to come to him, yet I couldn't say no to that face. "Y-yes, we may. I'll be right there." Dark Choco nodded before heading out the door to wait for me in the hallway. I sigh quietly, looking around his room a little before following him out.

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