The Art of Self-Defense

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"Cake for lunch?" James says, leaning back in his chair. "It's a wonder you're as tall as you are."

"I'm going to be taller than you, actually," Harry informs him. "The Healer said so."

"If the Healer said so, then I'll have to initiate my plans to keep you shorter than me forever. Tell me, do you like your shins? I'd be happy to remove them for you, free of charge."

"Well," Harry says thoughtfully, "Mum's always complaining about constantly having to buy me new robes."

"I can fix that for you. And then you'll always be my little boy."

"This little boy could trounce you on a broom," Harry says, with bravado that speaks volumes about his parentage.

"Even after a year of no Quidditch? Rotten luck, by the way – can't believe they canceled it for that bloody tournament…."

Harry hunches over his ice cream, and Lily reaches out to rub his shoulder.

"You'll be captain next year for sure," James says, completely oblivious to his son's downcast eyes.

James can't be completely unaware of Diggory's death. More likely he hasn't put it together that Diggory and Harry were Quidditch competitors.

"Yeah," Harry says hollowly. "Charlie says he'll come back and argue with McGonagall if I'm not."

"Wish Charlie would have taken a fall off his broom years ago, eh? Let you off the bench earlier…."

At least that gets Harry away from sinking into a funk, even if James still isn't winning himself any points.

"Charlie taught me everything I know about Seeking," Harry says. He's still over the moon about James's appearance, so his usual fire isn't behind it, but Lily can see him on the verge of bristling.

Lily makes shut up eyes at James, who coughs and takes a bite of ice cream.

"Right, well," James says. "Fancy showing me around town, Harry?"

"He's working, just like I am," Lily says. "A pair of working stiffs, us. Except we're not stiff. Couple of working looses?"

"Mu-um," Harry says, stealing back his spoon. "Please? Dad came all the way out here to see us."

Either she can hold firm and be the imposing, overbearing mum, or she can let James set Harry up for another heartbreak. Lovely.

"It's today or nothing," James says. "I've got work in the morning."

"Work?" she says. "Are you sure you didn't mean have a lie-in? I find I confuse the two a lot myself."

"Very true," Harry says, and Lily slaps him lightly on the forearm. "Child abuser," he adds.

"No, I've got to work." James clears his throat. "I've got a job."

Harry's face lights up. "Where?"

Her son doesn't know James like she does. He isn't intimately familiar with James's tell, the slight rub of his thumb against his forefinger, that means he's lying.

Lily won't make a scene in her inn's dining room, though. They're already bleeding profits today with all the gifts to make up for the missing towels.

"Yes," she says, leveling a sharp smile at James. "Do tell us where."

James's glance lingers too long on her – he knows she's onto him.

"Just some boring bodyguard work," he says. "No one famous."

"Brilliant." Harry grins. "Can you get me a summer job there? I could live the rest of my life without casting another sheet-folding spell."

"What will you do when you live on your own?" Lily asks.

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