✸ Chapter Twenty-Seven: Intermission

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SUOMYNONA via Twitter: "Click here for HD pic—"


RADIOHERD via [CLICK][RISING TIDE]: "Who is the redhea—"


DRGONPIECE via [RISING TIDE]: "Do we have updates on who the girl is?"

11 replies

See all replies.

None available.

PRGRM48HH via [UNKNOWN SERVER]: Confirmation?

REC00HH via [UNKNOWN SERVER]: Status Offline.

PRGRM48HH via [UNKNOWN SERVER]: Activate system block.

WHiH World News via Twitter: "Spider-Man is back in town! The web-swinger went from fighting Captain America to fighting neighborhood crime."

Service received.



Midtown Softball Team via Twitter: "Happiest of birthdays to our junior right fielder, C.T. Clemins. Sweet sixteen!"

OFRSNGTIDE via [USER EDIT]: "Anyone with info about who the red headed Avenger is—/=(edit.remove.)f=removed.HERE.

───○ ○───


"Physical therapy is a bitch."

Colonel James Rhodes hissed out the words as he did his best to stretch with the new machinery on his legs. Marbles were placed on the floor for him to try and retrieve, and the sight reminded her of the strenuous, emotional P.T. sessions she had to have for her shoulder. Rhodey was paralyzed that day, an unfixable fracture to his spinal column that took away his range of movement in both legs. From then on, Lizzie received updates about the man from Pepper Potts via her father's phone. The woman was unconventionally kind to her and respectful of Lizzie wanting no contact with Tony. The strawberry-blonde also notified her that the man would be gone from the Upstate Avengers Institute, packing up the belongings of the old Avengers Tower as they continued the move permanently.

Mike Carter didn't say anything about how long it took Lizzie to get out of his car after they pulled up to the front. In her mind, the minutes felt like seconds and the pit of her stomach churned the longer she spent on the soil—because what did the building represent now? Loss? War? Emptiness? Those who made it whole were gone. That, Lizzie hadn't expected. The painful memories, she readied herself for. What didn't anticipate was expecting to see Vision at the entrance of the building to greet her and take her book-bag; the two turns, and a long pathway where Sam and Natasha trained until Sam was hopping a ride on Carson's wheelchair; the weekly phone-call made between Wanda, Clint, and Lizzie all while his children (Lizzie's best friends) tried to get their air-time.

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