“Can you get my trash can?!” I exclaim, Emery perks up and jogs over to my trash can, immediately once he brings it over to me I throw up. I cry when the pain just gets worst. “oh my god, my stomach Emery.” I look over at Emery who was now throwing the covers off of me. I don’t question as he unplugs the heating pad and picks me up. I rest my head on his chest and wrap my arms around my stomach. 

This is how I’m going to die. Nope not in an airplane or climbing a mountain like I thought but my outsides eating my insides. Yep, this is what it felt like my outsides were eating my insides. This is how Cedes Element was going to die. I wont have a great adventure nor will I be able to win against the Tigers in the next tournament because I’ll be dead. The three words I want on my gravestone are ’well, this sucks’ written in big letters.  

“Cedes don’t close your eyes,” Emery mumbles as he carries me to someone else and then I’m resting on a uncomfortable bed. Honestly at this point I could care less where the hell I was, all I wanted was this pain to go away and never come back again. That’s all I wanted in the world right now. 

My heavy eyelids eventually flicker open after a couple times trying. 

“Hey sleepy head,” I squint my eyes at the sudden direct sunlight but look over to see mom sitting in a chair. “how was your sleep?” she asks. 

“You were knocked out for three days kiddo,” dad adds as he walks into my vision. 

“Why?” I ask. 

Dad speaks up. “You got your stomach pumped and it just wore you out.” I crease my eyebrows. 

“You ate something and your stomach couldn’t take it, that’s why you were feeling those horrible stomach pains,” mom continues. 

“It felt like my outsides were eating my insides mom.” 

Mom cringes. “I know honey, but your body was eating up other stuff so I guess it should’ve felt like that.” I then bring my hands up to my nose where I feel wires going in through my nose. 

“Its oxygen just so you could get extra oxygen in you,” dad says. “well we promised the boys we would get them once you woke up, so mom and I will be getting something to eat. Want anything?” I shake my head. They nod then walk out but mom kisses my head before. 

“Look whose ass finally decided to get up!” Matt hollers, I roll my eyes. 

“What up?” Ross exclaims as he walks to the chair mom was once in. 

“Yeah how are you?” Cade asks. 

“Yeah three day sleeper,” Chance teases. 

I shrug. “Felt peaceful after a night of pain.” 

“Yeah Emery told us you had one hell of a night,” Cade says when he takes a seat at then end of my bed. 

“Speaking of Emery where is he and Noah?” I wonder. 

“Sleeping,” they all reply in synch. 

“We all went home, they stayed and had zero sleep.” 

My eyes widen. “Wait?! Today’s Monday! Tournament start tomorrow!” I exclaim. 

Chance chuckles. “Its Tuesday morning, Cedes. And so what you’ll miss what? Two games the least?” I groan. 

“Your health is better than two tournament games, Cedes,” Cade comments. I shake my head. 

“Yo, look who decided to wake up!” Matt yells, we all look towards the door to see Noah closing it. 

“Alright lets leave the two alone!” Cade calls as he walks past Noah. The guys give me a smile before heading out. 

“How you feeling?” Noah asks. I finally take a look at him and he looks like hell. 

“Better, a lot better. Noah please go home and sleep,” I beg. 

Noah shakes his head and creases his eyebrows. “I’m fine,” I give him a stern look. He smiles. “I’m fine!” I sigh but pat the spot next to me on the hospital bed. Noah sits down and looks at me. “so no more pepperoni pizza for you?” 

I laugh. “Nope, I guess not.” 

“So I heard Emery’s heading back to Nevada next week for a school dance or something?” 

Wait… What?!?!?! 


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