"What kind of situation?" Connie asked as she picked up her wine glass and took a sip.

A knock at the door stopped Steve in his tracks and he looked over his shoulder "I guess we're about to find out."

Connie stood in the kitchen as Steve made his way over to the door. He was swift to open it and was unable to hide his surprise at his partner standing there with a baby sleeping in his arms.

"You have a baby." He said dumbly and Javier snorted.

"No shit Sherlock. Can I come in?"

"Uh yeah... sure." Steve fumbled as he opened the door wider so his partner could enter.

Connie's look of surprise mirrored her husband's when Javier stepped into the kitchen, cheek resting on the top of María's head. She helped him with the bag, placing it on the kitchen table before glancing at Steve who stood there dumbstruck by the situation.

"Who's baby is she?" Steve asked after a few tense moments and Javier sighed.

"Mine apparently." He said as he handed Steve the letter.

Steve read it silently to himself, eyes widening before glancing at Connie then back at his partner.

"Who's Elena?"

"She was a one night stand from last year." He answered and Connie snorted before giving them a sheepish look.

"What are going to do?" She asked and Javier shrugged "You need to find her."

"She died of cancer two weeks ago." He stated and Connie choked on a gasp "There was another envelope in her bag. Contained her birth certificate and a note from Elena's mother saying that it had been her last wish that I take her."

"And are you?" Steve asked, drawing Javier's attention to him "Are you gonna take her?"

"Well, what else can I do?" He asked, looking down at his daughter who'd started to grow restless in his arms "She's my daughter. I can't just hand her off to a stranger."

"That's very noble of you Javi." Stated Connie as she gave him a warm smile.

"I don't have and fu-..." He stopped to cover her ears before continuing "Fucking clue what I'm doing. I mean, how do I mix her formula, how do you know if it's too hot... what diapers do I get?"

"Whoa, Javi... slow down." Connie said as she raised her hands up "We can help you with all this but firstly. I think this little angel needs a bath."

Javier nodded and she smiled "Shall I show you?" She asked and he nodded again "Come on." She said as she guided him to the bathroom by his elbow "Here." She said as she held out her arms and motioned for him to hand her María "Hello beautiful... What's your name?"

"María." Javier answered suddenly and Connie smiled.

"Hello, sweet María. We're going to give you a nice bath then get you into something clean." She said before looking at Javíer "Grab that seat and turn on the tap." She instructed and he nodded.

She watched him affectionately as he carefully monitored the water so he was sure it wasn't too hot for her then after a nod of confirmation from the blonde he carefully scooped his daughter up and placed her into the water. Smiling as she wriggled with excitement.

Connie guided him. Showed him how to wash her hair along with the rest of her before wrapping her in a towel and cradling her close to him.

"You're taking this all very well." Connie said as she pulled out a clean onesie from the bag on the table.

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