Dave & Reader

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woohoo, first oneshot in this book, haven't wrote this shit in a long time.

also, it 's a little long, but who cares? might be enjoyable for people who like long oneshots or whatever. anyway, have fun reading.


Ah yes, it was a fine morning. Looking out through the window of your kitchen, you see the bright and early sunshine illuminating your house's front yard. In the distance, you can faintly hear a grill sizzling. It's nice to have this kind of peaceful morning. You sigh happily as you brew yourself some coffee while browsing through your phone to read Reddit posts.

Suddenly, there's a knock on your door. Your heart leaps. Of course, you were known by your friends as the overthinker, but it's fine, probably. You stand up and open the door gently. It's your ol friend Dave! You sigh of relief.

"Morning!" you say jovially, opening the door wider. "How've you been?" You ask curiously, leaning towards the left side of the doorframe with a big smile. He laughs lightly. "It's been nice, thank you very much. I just wanted to see you, Y/N." "Yeah! It's been so long, dude." You both walk into your home with little chatter.

"Hey, uh..." he starts, trailing off nervously and rubbing the back of his neck. "Would you mind if we hung out today? Just us two, y'know? We haven't seen each other in years and all that jazz. We gotta catch up." Oh boy. This is awkward as fuck, isn't it? Your heart beats faster as you don't know what to say under too much stress. "UH- Yeah- sure..? Why not? I'm not very busy today." You manage to blurt out.

His face lights up. "Awesome, thanks a bunch!" He says cheerfully before turning away and moving to the front door with his wheelchair. "I'll be outside." He calls from the doorway before exiting into the bright spring day. What a great guy. That settles it. Today, you will hang out with Dave. No more moping around in your room. No more being a nervous wreck.

After putting on some 'normal' clothes and brushing your teeth, you nervously open the front door. Fortunately he didn't juke you out like you thought he would and he's still here, just whistling away. He turns around and gives you an almost excited smile when he notices your appearance. "Oh my gosh," he gasps loudly, "You look so nice, Y/N!" "Thanks, man." you respond softly, a blush creeping up your cheeks at his compliment. "We should head out now." he suggests as he wheeled himself towards the door.

As you follow him closely with his wheelchair you make small talk about nothing in particular. Nothing that matters at least. But every time you start making small conversation he looks at you like he wants to ask something but doesn't know how to. Like a deer caught in headlights. His eyes dart down to his hands, which are gripping the handles of the chair. The wheels make their squeaky noises as you turn the corner.

"Alright, so where are we goin'?" You ask, still being nervous but not enough for him to notice. He shrugs and pushes onwards, not saying anything. When you get to the park you both stop at the edge of a lake where no one really comes to. "So..." he trails off nervously, looking out at the water. "How about we just... sit here?" he asks. You nod quickly, looking at him and then at the lake's water. It's clear, so clear you could see the reflection of your face. As you sit down on the grass and stare out into the sky, you feel the cool breeze blow gently against your skin. You take a deep breath.

"Wow, the view here is real nice." he comments, his voice quiet. After a minute or so of silence, you decide to break it. "So..." you trail off, watching as the clouds float past above your heads. He glances at you briefly before looking back out into the lake. "So..." he responds. A few minutes pass and you're content with letting the sound of the wind and birds fill the air. It's calming. Everything feels okay right now. You take a deep breath and muster up the courage to finally say something.

"Hey, Dave, do you want to tell me something or..? I've noticed that you've been acting a little weird lately." You look at him, sitting up straight. "I mean, I'm not gonna force you to talk about it if you don't wanna. It's your business, and I'm not going to pry." You offer him a gentle smile. He's staring at the water intently, his brow furrowed in concentration. "I..." he pauses for a moment. "I... I think it might be best if I told you.." he whispers, fidgeting nervously. You lean closer, trying to listen as he speaks. "The thing is..." he begins, taking another shaky breath.

"I really really like you, Y/N. And I know that you probably don't feel the same way, and I understand-" "No, Dave! No! Don't say that." you interrupt. You grab his hand to prevent any further anxiety. "It means everything that you said. You like me? You're serious?" you ask incredulously. He nods. "Of course. I'd never joke about that." "Oh..." You're speechless. Your thoughts are spinning out of control; Dave likes you? Dave, the most laid back guy you've ever met? You shake your head, clearing your thoughts.

"Dave, I have to admit that I had my suspicions.." you chuckle lightly. "I like you too! A lot." you continue. He looks at you and smiles softly. "I guess there really isn't any need to pretend anymore huh?" "No! Of course not!" You pull him into a hug. "This is great." he murmurs into your shoulder.

After a few seconds, you let go and grin brightly at him. "So.. Where do we start?" "Well..." he stutters, glancing downwards and rubbing the back of his neck again. "I guess first of all... let's kiss?" he suggests sheepishly, holding onto the handle of his chair tightly. You nod slightly as you lean forward and wrap your arms around his shoulders. "Mm, alright. Let's do that." "Yay!" he exclaims. With that, he leans forward, wrapping his arms around your waist as well. He closes his eyes and waits for your lips to meet his.

When they finally do, you close your eyes as well, enjoying each others touch. The butterflies in your stomach grow louder until they overwhelm your senses. You lean back a bit and rest your forehead against Dave's. "Dave, I love you." he pulls you in tighter, smiling gently. "And... I really love you too, Y/N." he replies quietly.

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