[ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟣 | 𝒜𝓁𝓁𝑒𝓎𝓌𝒶𝓎 ]

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{ Welcome to Ch.1 Decided to not do a prologue and just wing it, now let's start hm? }


[ Setting: Cafe Workplace ] [ Time: 1:00pm ]

You were standing at a coffee machine waiting for an order you were prepping up for a customer, you worked at a medium sized cafe who payed enough to be able to keep the bills paid, be able keep some extra cash for other necessities.

You perked up at the sound of the coffee being done you grabbed the order and exited the back, and towards the front where customers were sitting at. You gave the order to its belonged owner and left back towards the back to wait for your next order.

You found yourself drifting and thinking back to your family you had, Your mother and father. You have a well relationship with them even though you we're decently taller than both of them, but you were mostly taller and could loom over most customers. You wondered back to your apartment complex you stayed at, it was enough room for you and a couple pets, if you wanted to adopt any, you never thought of having a pet seeing you spent most days working. The only days off you had were on weekends, you left work at around 5:00pm.

You got interrupted from your thoughts to the gaze of someone standing in front of you and peering up at you. Your boss. "Y/N, you're spacing out again someone ordered a donut with some coffee on the side." Your boss Amy said "Right, sorry.. I'll get to that order now." You turned and went towards one of the many coffee machines. You grabbed a cup and began making the coffee ordered which was actually a coffee you liked [C/F] {Means Coffee Flavor} you grabbed the desired made coffee and a donut from the front and headed off to whoever wanted it. Once you gave the coffee away you glanced up at the clock. 2:45pm. You sighed and went back to your station getting ready for the long hours of work.


You groaned as you glared at your uniform who had coffee all over it now, looking at the clock you noticed there was ten minutes ti'll you could leave back home. You glared at the clock before huffing and walking towards the back you leaned against a counter and stood there with crossed arms, waiting for the time to tick by.

A few minutes later and you were heading out the cafe's door only to be met with the feeling of a single rain droplet hitting your nose, you blinked and looked up at the sky as dark storm cloud's formed in the sky waiting to pour down. You murmured curses before heading towards the direction of your apartment complex. You walked with a normal pace even though it was sprinkling about now you watched as the rain slowly turned into a pour which had you grumbling you walked into a store that was in your view and bought an umbrella.

You walked out with the umbrella in your hand keeping you safe from the rain you walked calmly now your posture turning into a relaxed one and you had your free hand in your pocket, before hearing a strange, odd sound coming from an alleyway you just came across, you peered in the alleyway, only to see a stranger throwing a cardboard box on the floor before slowly turning towards where you were staring from.

You quickly ducked out of sight and got your phone out pretending to lean against a wall and pretending to text somebody, once you saw the stranger leave the alleyway shooting a gaze at your direction before walking off with a scowl. You peered up from your phone looking at the strange man walk away. You put your phone away and walked into the alley way and did a light jog towards the box and crouching down. And grabbing the box there was a sound that came from the box, and a sound of something getting tumbled around.

You grimaced 'Was there something alive in this box?' You stood up and stared at the box now in your spare hand before looking at the way you came from you looked back down at the box and then turned before calmly walking out of the alleyway and just heading towards your apartment.


Once you arrived you yawned and put the umbrella you had away and grabbing your keys fiddling with them a bit before putting the key in the lock leading to your home, when you heard the noise of the door unlocking you put your keys away grabbed the umbrella and opened the door, pushing the door to walk in, you placed the box on the counter of your kitchen and walked towards your room to change.

You headed into your room dropping your phone and keys onto your bedside table and leaving the umbrella to lean next to it, before heading to your closet and grabbing a pair of clean clothes. Once you changed into a plain [F/C] shirt and some comfortable pants you walked with a slight slouch, hands in the pockets of your pants, you walked into the kitchen and grabbed a knife before looking back at the box, heading towards the box your carefully cut the top of the box seemingly covered by some layers of clear tape, once you cut the box open you finally noticed a shuffling noise coming from the box.

'Did I bring an animal home? What if it's illegal?' Your thoughts stir as you looked at the box who stopped shuffling you slowly opened the box to reveal something you did not expect.

A bitty.

A fucking bitty. Was sitting at one of the corners of the box the farthest from you, you blinked as it glared at you, and guess what? You had no idea what type of bitty it was, it was covered in some black oily like substance and had one glowing cyan eye the other eye seemed covered by the oily substance. He was wearing black colored clothes and there was tentacles? Sprouting from the bitties back, you inhaled and exhaled before blinking and finally breaking the silence. "Uh.. Hi? Um, can I ask what- who you are?" You spoke with a nervous chuckle rubbing your neck as you stared at the bitty.






The bitty said absolutely nothing just staring at you with its stupid glare which got a frustrated sigh out of you which seemed to make the bitty perk up, not that you noticed "Alright.." You stared at the bitty for a few moments before it finally spoke "Fuck you." He It said while you slowly registered what it said and turned around to cover your mouth, keeping you from laughing. Though you were slightly pissed that it cursed at you.

Once you looked back you froze.

It. was. gone.

You panicked as your eyes widened and looked around "Fuck.." You groaned, and then you slouched and walked towards your room to search what bitty you were currently keeping trapped in your home, seeing as everything that provided an exit for the small creature was locked. You unlocked your laptop that was sitting on your bed and searched up a website about bitties, once you found the one you were looking for you read the description.

Nighty Bitty -

A nighty bitty is a skeleton bitty who is rare to come across, they feed on attention and negativity, they are mostly independent---------

You shortly got bored after reading the whole passage of information missing the eyelights staring at your computer, you stood and was back to a fixed posture, being back to your full height, you barely heard the sound of a thump sound, you looked over to see the nightmare bitty who was glaring at you, 'Must of made noise, while walking or something.' "Hi bud, you here for something? Or where you just being a stalker?" You said with a relaxed tone, you weren't really worried of said bitty. All you got from him was the finger before he vanished with a trail of cyan magic being left behind.

Oh. They have magic? Oh. How fun.

Troublemakers [ Bittybone Aus x Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now