You can count on it Lydia said turning around shaking her chest

I'm not doing it Elena said turning around

You need to do something about this little sinverguenza Lydia said spinning her finger in the air  walking out of view

What dose that even mean? Elena said putting her hands on the kitchen table

It means that you do not know enough Spanish to know I'm insulting you. Lydia said coming out the kitchen

Oye Lydia tapped on Alex and started speaking in Spanish to Purposely Annoy Elena

Ha! Then Alex started speaking in Spanish to

But that's when me and Lydia started laughing

Abuelita I'll learn more Spanish when you learn more English Elena said getting up from her spot moving closer to Lydia and smiling

I know the  English Lydia said

Besides, your Abuelo, God rest his souls did not marry me for my mind.

Oh that nasty I said with fake gagging noise coming from my mouth Keith my hand covering my ears

Who do you think your insulting Penelope asked as she saw Elena walk away

Good one mom Alex said then turning facing me

Oh look who's out of there hibernation I said dramatically trowing my head back on the couch

By the way, what are the last 16 digits of your credit card?

Why are you doing I said looking a Alex then looking at his screen

Uh why are you doing Penelope asked making her way over to Alex and I

Are you shopping cause who said you can shop

You said I could order sneakers for school Alex said moving the computer into my lap so she could see better which I did not mind until it started getting hot

Five pair Penelope said while laughing

Alex you Pendejo that's a lot of shoes I said kicking his leg a little hard which resulted I him crossing his legs over mine under the couch sticking his younger out
Immature i whispered under breath

Monday through Friday don't worry I don't need the weekend sneakers Alex said making it worse

Oh well I can't have my son walking around In Monday sneakers on a Saturday somebody might call child services Penelope said trying to be funny

Mom I'm serious I am in middle school how I look kinda matters Alex said getting up from the couch Leaving a huge space enough for me to slay my head down all the way with my feet dangling off the couch

No you don't I said trying to help him a little

Shh maila you have 30 pairs for a week Alex said  well damn I said swing my legs back and fourth

Okay, so you can buy one pair for under 40 dollars  Penelope said

Frothy Alex said in a mad voice

That'll get you perfectly good sneakers to last the whole year

The whole year Alex said losing his mind

Okay mom I know we're not rich but are we poor? Alex asked literally concerned

And that my cue I said getting up not wanting to hear this conversation anymore well bye Alvarez's I said getting to the door and opening
And closing

It was about 20 minutes later I was sitting on  the fire escape attached to my window and Alex's and decided to make my way over to his room

Without knocking I open and said the queen here when I said that I opened and saw shirtless Alvarez trying to find a shirt shirking like a girl

I'm sorry but I have to laugh I said and please put on a shirt you said plopping on his bed

About 9 minutes later he was facing me telling me his plan

You thinks gonna work I asked him

Of course it will when have have my plans backfired Alex said confidentiality

Don't get me started I said in a mumbled tone

Okay Alex I gotta go or Schneider will kill m when he sees I'm not in bed bye I said as I gave him a quick hug and going to his window walking to the fire escape going to my room

And plopping on my bed snuggling my covers

And repeated a world in my head good night sweet dreams and finally feeling my eye lids get heavy

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