"PAY ATTENTION!!" He growled. I look up and I didn't have time to react and I was immediately burned by his flames.


She screams in agony as Dabi's blue flames surrounded her. "DON'T YOU DARE PUT YOUR FLAMES AWAY! FIGHT ME! RIGHT NOW! BECOME ONE WITH THE PAIN ______!! YOU ARE STRONGER THAN THAT!!" He growled as he stops his flames for a second and waits for her to do something. His flames were still burning her, she was completely surrounded by them.

He's right, I can't give up right now. Dabi I'm sorry for what's about to happen. She thought.

She groans in pain and clenched her fists and her darkness became stronger as she brought out flames. "GET BAAACK!!" She growled and she cancels out Dabi's flames with hers as it disperses. The Demon-Flame surrounded her body as she's breathing heavily. Black lines were spreading throughout her body and Dabi smirks.

"She's finally had enough huh?" He muttered.

Sure enough she sprints towards Dabi, angry as hell and Dabi got ready for whatever she was going to throw at him.

______ jumps up in the sky.

"DEMON-FLAME!" Black flames burst towards Dabi quickly, and he instantly blasts his blue flames towards it. But Demon-Flame burns more and is more powerful that it overpowers his and raced straight towards him.

He gasps and jumps out of the way quickly by throwing himself. He gets back up and looks around and doesn't see ______ anywhere.

That's when he heard a voice. He felt this dark, evil presence. More darker than him. It made the air feel intimidating. He shook slightly.

"Behind you.."

He turns around slowly and his heart drops. ______ was scarier than before. The darkness lines continue to flow through her body, her eyes were darker than anything and her flames surrounded her.

"What the hell?!" He muttered.

"Aww-ahaha what's with that look Daabi? Are you...afraid of me?" She chuckled. ______ didn't even sound like herself at all. Whenever she uses her darkness, it's like her self consciousness gives itself up to the darkness. Dabi scoffs and swung his hand covered in his flames and jumped back.

"I'm not scared." He replied and I chuckled.

That's when the burning starts to hurt even more. I groan in pain and looked up at Dabi. He gives me a look and I nod. I wasn't going to give up just yet.

But this feeling, this aura that my darkness gives off is so strong. The power that it gives me feels good. The only time I'd use my darkness is to visually paralyze someone and it only takes a second to do that and that's it. Not once have I thought about syncing it with my other elements or using it for a long time.

_______ starts breathing heavily and soon starts to sweat as the dark aura grew darker. She kept thinking about that night and it only made her angrier.

She was overusing her darkness, she started to just become numb to it and not pay any attention to its power. She forgot to control it.

"_-______? What's wrong?" Dabi asked when he sees her smiling like crazy with her eyes wide and places her hand on her face.

She then starts laughing out of no where.

Suddenly she sprints towards Dabi fast and punches him in the gut and he coughs up blood and flew back and rolled in the dirt. He looks up and sees her coming at him again with her black flames.

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now