"He hasn't been here." Pansy kept her words short, each syllable cracking like a whip, "And a little word of advice, Beaumont. It's best you don't go around digging into things that don't involve you."

"Oh." Clementine's throat tightened as she realized she was being warned. "Sorry— I didn't mean to impose. I just... We work together and I need to ask him about—"

"Surely you can discuss that with him at work, hmm?" Pansy leaned across the counter. "Where you get paid to discuss such things? You do get paid, don't you?"

"Being a Hogwarts Professor is a full-time job, I'm afraid." Clementine countered, "But you're right. I'll try to find Neville at work. Thanks anyway."

Clementine turned to leave, her hand was on the door when Pansy called out to her.

"It was good seeing you again, Clem." Pansy's voice almost sounded like she was joking. "Don't be a stranger."

"Likewise." Clementine muttered as she hurried out of the store and back to the busy streets of Hogsmeade.

To say that the exchange between the two witches was uncomfortable was an understatement. Pansy used to be one of Clementine's closest friends and confidants. The two would gossip and spend most of their time talking about their obvious crushes on the Slytherin boys. Clementine knew that Pansy was just as upset with her as Draco and Theo were when she decided to leave. She seemed even less inclined to forgive Clementine than they had.

Clementine had to refocus on what was really important. Neville was definitely at the store, there was no doubt in her mind.

Pansy Parkinson had to be the mysterious woman she had seen with him the other night. It was becoming more and more clear to Clementine that the two were having some kind of an affair. She just needed to get definite proof somehow before she broke the news to Luna. She couldn't break the girl's heart without absolute proof.

Lost deep in thought, Clementine paused in front of the bank when a familiar face caught her eye. She could see Blaise's silhouette through the window. It was the end of the banking business day, so she knew he wouldn't be busy.

The bank was quiet and dark with nothing but the natural light streaming through the large front windows. Blaise appeared to be the last employee remaining for the day.

"Is everyone keeping secrets around here?" Clementine slumped into a chair. "You would think that one single person would be up front with me."

"Are you here to withdraw funds from your Gringotts account?" Blaise remained unfazed as he continued to do paperwork at his desk across from her.

"No." Clementine frowned, "I just needed a quick chat."

"That's funny. Theo also needed a 'quick chat' today." Blaise finally looked up from his work, "I guess I'll be getting no more work done today. What's on your mind?"

Heat flooded across Clementine's face and neck with embarrassment. Of course he already knew about her horrific date, "What exactly did he tell you?"

"Nothing that anybody couldn't have predicted from the start." Blaise almost looked at her sympathetically.

"I feel so bad." Clementine's soft voice admitted as she wrung her hands together anxiously. "I like Theo a lot."

"But..." Blaise continued her thought for her, "That blond bloke has to screw everything up."

"Exactly." Clementine exhaled. Blaise understood what she was going through with Theo and Draco. He was there for her the first time she went through this. It went without saying that history had a way of repeating itself.

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