You heard some sort of mental clanking together before a piece of the wall slid to the side revealing Dream, Sapnap, George and Punz, as they came through the wall, Dream and Punz went directly towards you and Wilbur while George and Sapnap went towards Tommy, Tubbo and Fundy. Dream wanted to get to Wilbur as fast as he could, as Dream came close to you two, he took a swing of his sword towards Wilbur, but you caught his movement and quickly went in front of Wilbur and used the shield you had to protect you two, of course the forceful hit from Dream caused you to slam back into Wilbur which caused him to slam into the wall behind him, his shoulder slamming into the wall, you both groaned in pain, but you held the shield tightly in front of you. With all your might, you pushed forward, making Dream stumble back.

You looked over at Eret before looking at the others. "Run!" You yelled at them, they looked at you. "Run!" You yell again and Fundy pushed Tommy back before running down the hall you guys came in from, Tubbo followed quickly behind them, and then Wilbur followed. "Y/N come on!" He yelled after you as he ran down the hall, you saw Dream look at you before running towards you. You held up the shield again, ready to embrace the impact you were about to endure, but instead of being pushed back by Dream like you thought, you heard the sound of breaking wood, and before you knew it, you felt something piercing through your skin, you looked down and saw Dream's sword through the shield and piercing your side. You let out a scream before pushing the shield back towards Dream again, but this time making him fall on the ground.

You put your hand on your side before turning around and running down the hall and away from Dream and his team. You reached the end of the tunnel, breathing heavily, as the others were waiting for you outside. As soon as you were out of the tunnel, you collapsed on your knees and held onto your side. "Y/N." Wilbur said as he quickly ran to your side and bending down. "Hey, hey, are you okay?" He asked softly, you only replied in a small groan and uncovered your wound to which Wilbur looked at it. "Shit okay." Wilbur said to himself before carefully picking you up, despite the pain in his shoulder. "Let's get back to L'Manberg, quickly now."

As the five of you reached L'Manberg, Wilbur and Fundy quickly ran to Wilbur's van and went inside, Wilbur quickly placed you on his bed as Fundy grabbed the medical supplies he needed. Wilbur lifted your shirt up a bit enough to see your wound and Fundy came over and looked at it. "Luckily, it's not that deep." Fundy said, as he began to clean your wound, you winced at the stinging of the alcohol against your opened skin. Wilbur took your hand and squeezed it a bit, noting to you that you could squeeze his hand if it hurt, you took note and gently squeezed his hand. "Don't worry, I'm almost done." Fundy said reassuringly and reached over and grabbed some bandages. "Two blows to your side in two days, you're turning into an indestructible person Y/N." Fundy said, trying to lighten the mood. "It's what I signed up for." You said, looking at him with a weak smile, Fundy returned the smile, but Wilbur was still worried.

He didn't like seeing you hurt, he wanted to comfort you in any way possible. But, Wilbur knew that, the war wasn't over.

After Fundy wrapped another bandage around your side, Wilbur helped you sit up. Of course, it hurt you like hell, but you knew you would be okay. You looked up at Wilbur and nodded at him, he then helped you stand up. "How is it feeling?" Fundy asked you. "It hurts, but I'll be okay don't worry, I can pull through." You replied, to which Fundy nodded. Suddenly, Tommy and Tubbo ran into Wilbur's van.  "Wilbur!" They both said, you could hear the panic in their voices. "Tommy, Tubbo, what is it?" Wilbur asked them calmly. "It's Dream." Tubbo said, "He and his team including Eret are outside." Tommy finished.

You could feel Wilbur tense up just by the way he squeezed your hand. "Can you walk?" He asked you, you looked at him and nodded. "Alright, let's go."

The five of you walked out of Wilbur's van and saw Dream, Eret, Sapnap, George and Punz standing near the entrance of L'Manberg. You all walked towards them, Wilbur of course holding your hand as you walk. You all stopped halfway, you five didn't want to be close to them. None of you focused your attention on anyone but Eret. "Eret we trusted you." Wilbur said, pain and betrayal running through his voice. "Eret I farmed with you for hours." You heard Tubbo say. You felt a hand on your shoulders, and you look to the side to see Tommy's hand, resting gently on your shoulder. He gently pushed past you and Tubbo and stared at Eret, you can see betrayal and hatred in the way he was standing. "Eret listen to me, and I mean this is the nicest way possible." Tommy said lowly before taking a deep breath. "You fucked up." He finished and went to go closer to Eret but Tubbo grabbed his arm and held him back. "You bastard Eret, we trusted you!" Tommy said, pain in his voice.

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