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Neither of them was wearing armour, although they were using real weapons. They moved faster and much more gracefully than I could have, leaping and spinning in a whirlwind of clothes, limbs and glinting weapons. One was dressed in red and white; the other in green and black. The man wearing red had a long blood-red cloak with white fluffy trim, and seemed to be wearing a royal outfit underneath, complete with ruffles down the shirt, and perfectly polished black, knee-high boots. He had long pink hair in a braid down his back, and his face was half covered by a mask that only left his mouth and chin open to the elements. Something about the precision and strength of his strikes made me think that he might not be quite human, and that he would definitely be the wrong person to cross.

Green was dressed much more casually, in a pair of fitted black running shoes, and dark blue trousers that were loose, but clung to his legs anyway. Over the top, he wore a lime green hoodie. A black leather belt held it tight to his waist, and another looped over one shoulder, and down. His hood was up, so I couldn't see his hair, and a circular mask covered his face, showing his mouth. He seemed more normal than Red, but moved much like a cat would, preferring to leap and dodge gracefully than to rely on brute strength.

As I watched, enthralled, Green launched a flying kick at Red. I winced, but Red caught his foot, spinning Green round, and lashing out with his blade as he did so. Quickly recovering, Green went in for the next flurry of attacks, sword versus axe.

The two ducked and weaved, hitting blows left and right, but never seeming injured. Eventually Green drew back, and I thought the fight was over, but he leapt up in the air, and somersaulted down, over Red. Red gripped his sword in two hands, and parried Green's attack, but didn't see the flying kick that caught him in the chest, and knocked him to the floor. Red tried to get up, but Green pinned him down with a foot to the chest, and placed his axe to his neck. They stayed perfectly still for a couple of seconds, but then Green moved back, offering his hand to Red, and pulling him to his feet. They began to walk off, side by side, and I noticed that Red walked with a limp, his leg not seeming able to take his weight properly. He had hidden it well during the fight though, I hadn't seen it until then.

They paused, Green putting his arm across Red's chest, and speaking to him. He pointed to where I was standing, and Red glanced over. Red nodded, and Green gestured for me to come over. I walked over hesitantly, and stood next to them. Green pushed his mask a bit more up his face, exposing his mouth properly. He then rested his axe on the ground, leaning on it, and looked at me closely. From this close up, I saw that Red was wearing a crown and fingerless gloves, but that his sword had disappeared. It made me slightly on edge, but I relaxed when Green smiled. He held out his hand to me, also gloved, and I shook it. A compass hung from one of his belts, but the face was turned away.

"Dream." He introduced himself.

"Y/N" I replied.

"Nice to meet you. So, what brings you walking here, in these forests?" His tone was conversational, and his accent was unlike any I'd ever heard. It seemed to belong to nowhere and everywhere at the same time.

"Just surviving." I replied, not sure how much to say to these queer strangers, who both carried deadly weapons, and were a both a fair amount taller than me. "I've been living rough for the past few years and I haven't seen anyone until you two. "

Dream nodded, and began to walk down a track that I hadn't seen before. "Come with us. We can give you some food, and maybe a bed for the night. Techno?"

Red -Techno- grunted, and nodded. He strode ahead, and disappeared into the trees. For a split second I questioned why practical strangers were letting me into their home, but Dream just kept walking, on a different path to the one Techno had taken.

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