Chapter 1.

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It was a normal monday morning as Y/n had gotten ready for school before heading outside and as she was about to get into the car she then saw her parents sitting there waiting for her as she gulped nervously.

Y/n then entered the car as her mom and dad turned to look at her she then sighed.

Inhoo (Mum)
' 'Y/n, i have noticed a drop in your grades, focus your mind on your studies, not elsewhere.' '

Jaeheon (Dad)
' 'Y/n, what your mother is trying say is that, you should pay more attention in class..' '

Y/n then nodded and looked out the window to see that they had already arrived and got out after giving her parents a kiss goodbye on the cheek.

' 'have fun my sweet smart daughter!!' '

Y/n then smiled awkwardly in embarrassment as she walked into the school gates to see her.

Choi Nam-ra, Y/n despised her. Everything about her really, in Y/n's eyes she was just an obstacle to get past, a nuisance.

Y/n then walked past her as Na-yeon tried to call out for the both of them as she was ignored by them Na-yeon groaned and continued walking into the school as Y/n had immediately went to the student council room.

Time skip to Lunchtime.

Y/n had left her classroom with a book in one hand as she was reading it as she had already ate the food the servants had made for her.

Y/n then walked to the rooftop to get some peace and quiet as she read her book only to be shocked by someone suddenly pulling her back.

' 'aish, what the hell are you doing?' '

' 'please dont do it prez!' '

' 'what? What are you talking about Suhyeok?' '

' 'you were sitting on the edge so..' '

' '... that would be the last thing I'd do, calm down, what do you need?' '

' 'oh, well i was wondering if you have any idea where Nam-ra is..?' '

Y/n rolled her eyes at that.

' 'why would i know? Besides, what do you want with her?' '

' 'oh its nothing, i just.. wanted to say something to her, sorry for bothering you!' '

Before Y/n could answer Suhyeok sprinted down the stairs as Y/n stood there clenching her jaw.

Why did she not like the way Suhyeok was blushing and stuttering when he asked about Nam-ra?

She hated her anyways. Why would she care?
I mean, right..?


Ah yes, i felt so gay for this woman that i wrote a book abt it😃

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