0. Prologue

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"Where's your boyfriend ?" Alisa demanded as she stalked into the library Lila sat in.

The young girl glanced up from the paperwork she was going over, a crease forming between her eyebrows. "At home...?"

Alisa narrowed her eyes, hands on her hips. "I'm serious Delilah."

"So am I," Lila shrugged. She sat back on the chair wondering, "What do you need from Fitz, anyways ?"

"Fitz ?" Alisa repeated. "I'm not talking about Fitz. Why would I care about Fitz ?"

"I don't know !" Lila threw her hands up in exasperation. "You're the one who asked about my boyfriend. He's the only boyfriend I have."

Alisa was quite obviously trying to keep from rolling her eyes. Lila could tell from the way her eye was twitching while she tired not to fume. Though for once, Lila actually felt she should not have been on the end of Alisa's scathing glare. Sure, she was trouble and she knew it. There were many times where receiving that look from the woman she had practically grown up with was actually warranted. This time, Lila just didn't understand where she went wrong.

"I'm not talking about him," Alisa finally said, waving her hand as though Fitz was the afterthought of an afterthought. No one seemed to like him despite the year and a half Lila had been with him already. "I am talking about Grayson. Where the hell is he ?"

Lila scowled slightly. She should have guessed immediately. Alisa had the annoying habit of calling Grayson Hawthorne her "boyfriend" despite the fact that their friendship was no longer a friendship. It was a series of jibs and insults and curses all wrapped up in attempts to be civil. The saddest part was that they actually used to be really close. But that had changed. It had changed back when they were fourteen, five long years ago.

"Even if I knew or cared, I wouldn't tell you after that," Lila grumbled. She went back to her paperwork, reading over the words about one of the Foundation's most recent activities.

Alisa knew Lila well enough to know that staying and questioning anymore would be pointless. She sighed loudly, clicking away in her heels as she seemed to be stabbing at her cellphone with her thumbs. As soon as the woman was gone, Lila glanced up. She sighed to herself, rubbing a hand over her face. What was Grayson up to ? She had a general idea. It was hard not to given the current circumstances and how well she knew him. He was hunting. Hunting for a girl.

His grandfather had passed away not to long ago. It was recent but still not recent enough to not know what was in the will. Unfortunately, there was a slight issue. The lawyers refused to read the will unless the list of people who's presence was mandatory were......well, present. And they were missing one person. A single person. A girl. The one Grayson was hunting down.

Lila was shaken from her thoughts when her phone rang. She picked it up and turned the screen towards her. She almost laughed when she saw the name.


What were the odds Grayson Hawthorne would call her at that moment ? Lila almost wanted to be petty and hang up because of her entire conversation with Alisa. But she quickly decided against it. Grayson rarely called her. If he was doing it now, it must have been important.

"Alisa's looking for you," was what she said as a greeting, holding the phone up to her ear.

"What did you say ?"

"The truth," Lila shrugged. "I don't know shit."

"And if I tell you where I am, will you tell her ?" Grayson questioned. There was wind in the background. Loud whipping wind.

Lila leaned forward, elbows on the table. "What do I get if I don't ?"

"What do you want ?"

What did she want ? That was a loaded question. There were many things Lila wanted when it came to Grayson Davenport Hawthorne. But she didn't say any of them. Instead, she thought it over. She mulled her options. He let her. He knew her just as well as she knew him after all. "A favour," she decided. "One I can cash in whenever I want for whatever I want."

Grayson processed her words. "Deal."

"So ? Where are you ?"

"I'm in Connecticut," he told her. "And I found the girl."


Last Great American Dynasty - Grayson Hawthorne [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now