Chapter 2

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I woke up to being dropped on a hard surface. I'm assuming it's the floor. My head hurt too bad to open my eyes so I just laid there pretending to be uncontious. Honestly I was scared too. I didn't know where I was or who took me. I didn't even get to see their faces since they did everything from behind.

"Oi! Don't just drop her on the floor!" I heard someone yell.

"Why is there a random girl passed out on the floor?" I heard a lazy voice say.

"We brought her here for you. Figured it would be food leverage with Ragnarok."

"How exactly is this girl leverage?" The same lazy voice asked more annoyed this time.

"She's Red-Cliff's little sister! He will surely want her back!"

"I don't care who's little sister she is. I didn't ask you to bring her here. Who gave you the orders to so this?"

"No one, President. We took it apon ourselves to do when we saw her alone."

It was quiet for a moment. Even though I had my eyes shut and could hear what was going on I can feel the tension in the room.

"So you two took it apon yourselves to kidnap some girl? And by the looks of it you injured her too."

"President! She's not just some girl! She is the leader of Ragnarok's little sister. Doesn't this put us at an advantage?"

"Like I said earlier, I don't care who's sister she is. The point being I did not give these orders to you. We might be at war with Ragnarok but I did not ask you to drag some helpless girl into this. She has nothing to do with this fight."

It got quiet again. I still keep my eyes shut a little from being in pain but mostly from being scared. I know I usually don't get scared when people mess with me because I know my brothers reputation will scare them but these guys don't seem to care. Also if they are fighting with my brother gang then I'm sure they would anything to win against them and just mentioning his name isn't going to be enough to get me out of this.

I hear a long annoyed sigh.

"Are you sure this girl is even really his sister?"

I heard shuffling and then someone kneeled down next to me and moved the hair out of my face. I'm panicking now. Just stay calm. Keep your eyes shut and don't move. Don't give away that you woke up. Maybe they won't hurt you if they still think your uncontious.

"We're positive!" They two who I assumed kidnapped me said

"When I picture Benkei with a sister I imagine some brute like him, not some small innocent helpless looking girl." The lazy voice said

The fuck my dude? I may not be the same size or body type as Benks but I am definitely not helpless! Or innocent! Okay I might look helpless in this situation but those asshats got me from behind like a bunch of cowards!

"How are you so sure this is his sister anyway?"

"We just heard from other delinquents around town talking about his sister and one of them pointed her our to us."

"So what I'm hearing is you have no actual proof."

Someone lifts me up bridal style. I'm assuming it's the guy with the lazy voice since he sounded the closest. Who it is smells like cherries. Why the heck do they smell like cherries?

"You took some girl, knocked her out. But the looks of it tou ruffed her up a bit and brought her here all without any solid proof of who this girl is."

"It has to be here president! Everyone says it here."

"This isn't how we do things. We don't drag random people, innocent people into our fight with other gangs. Furthermore no one gave the orders to do this so now your going against Koudou?"

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