Chapter 1

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I guess you can say, I lead a normal life. Unless you count the passing of my grandparents. And more sad, the passing of my Dad. I know that passing is a normal thing in life. To me isn't normal. Nor does it seem like a casual thing to me. Even though I act bubbly and happy most of the time, on the outside. However in the back of my mind, are hidden scars, of my past. I do tell people what I'm feeling, when I'm ready to. But there are some things, I just can't tell. The only people I told, are my friends, Katelynn and Skylar. I'm trying to find the courage to tell others, but it's not easy. At the age of seventeen, I was diagnosed with PTSD, from the passing of my Dad, in the year of 2020. In the year 2019, my mom's mom, Memaw passed away. As did Papaw, my Dad's dad. In the year 2020, after Daddy passed, Mamaw, my Dad's mom, passed. Death after death, funeral after funeral. I somehow managed to keep the majority of my positive attitude. But after each funeral, a small percentage of it, was being taken each time.

It's now 2022, and I miss them all, so much. I miss my Dad more, I was more close with him. He was my Dad, so of course I miss him the most. I'm gonna turn 20 in April, this year. It still feels odd, that Daddy's not here, with us. Things have changed, ever since he left. I love my family and friends so much. And when I start to care about you, I'll fight to protect you! I was also diagnosed with anxiety, a bad case of it. Not a bad one as in like I'm scared 24/7, but bad as in when my anxiety does takes a long while before I settle down. I even panic over irrational things, no matter how small it is! Only one thing now calms me down, almost immediately. And that is the questers! Their from the comic called Bendy And Boris: Quest For The Ink Machine. Over time, I've even developed crushes on Mugman, Boris, Bendy and Cuphead. I have crushes on both aus of the cup bros. And in the swap universe, I have a crush on swap Boris, swap Bendy, and swap Mugs and Cup.

Today I'm working on a fanfic on wattpad, and I'm on my second chapter. Even though it sounds childish, I sometimes wish I could escape to my fanfics, literally. The shit that goes on in this world, gets to me sometimes. Sometimes I wish I could just run to the questers arms, and stay with them. To escape this escape the shitty drama. Little did I know...that they were looking for me too! They just didn't know yet! I close my eyes, and I see them, I pull my legs to my chest, begin to cry.
How amazing would it go where no one goes?

Meanwhile, in the BABQFTIM unIverse...


Hi, my name is Bendy. I'm 12 years old, and have a big brother. His names is Boris, and he's 18. We were living a normal life, in Joey Drew Studios. One day, our lives changed for the worst. Boris caught an illness, called the ink illness. It's gotten worse, over time! And now we're on a quest, to find the cure, called the ink machine. Hopefully-no! We will find it in time, and heal Boris! But we're not alone! Two cup-headed brothers are trying to stop us! They've been chasing us, nonstop! The older one, Mugman, I'm scared of! Yet his younger brother, Cuphead, doesn't seem so bad. I can kinda feel he doesn't wanna hurt us. At least I hope. We've been on this quest, for two months. We're getting close to the first piece! looks like a heart.

it looks like a heart

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BABQFTIM: A Heart Worth LovingWhere stories live. Discover now