"He had a choice and he chose this path.... I'll call you later, hyung. I'm sorry, but I don't think I could still speak with you right now." I said and ended the call.

I feel so overwhelmed with mixed emotions and all I can think of is that even my own cousin betrayed me. What does hyung have that I don't have? Am I that hard to love? Why can't people be like that to me? Those questions circled my mind as I lay on my bed. I was deep in thoughts when I heard a knock on my door. I didn't say anything, but a few seconds later they knocked again.

"Who is it?" I asked without moving from my spot.

"Uncle Tae! It's me, Hwayoung!" The person behind the door exclaimed, which made me stand up. "Can I come in, Uncle?" She asked, so I went to open the door for her.

"Hey, Hwayoungie. What can Uncle do for his cute niece?" I asked softly with a smile.

"I got you a present!" She beamed and showed me a card. "I made it myself." She added as she handed it to me.

"Really? You made this for me?" I asked and she nodded happily.

I looked at the card and it had funny stickers on it and cute drawings. When I opened it, my smile slowly faded as I stared at the content. It's a drawing and each person, who is holding each other's hands, has labels. Uncle Taehyung, Hwayoung, Daddy Namjoon, and.... Mommy Seoyeon.

"It's a drawing of our family. I made that so you won't feel alone when you go back to Japan tomorrow." She proudly said, so I tried to flaunt a smile.

"This is, uhm.... This is very beautiful, Hwayoung. Uncle Tae is very touched by your gift." I said and knelt down, "Can I get a hug?" I then opened my arms and she ran to me to be indulged by my embrace.

"Daddy and I love you, Uncle." She whispered and hugged me tightly.

"I love you, too, Hwayoung." I replied and pulled away to kiss her forehead. "Would you like to tell me about you while you watch me pack my things?" I asked and she nodded at me in response.

So I ushered her inside and let her sit on the bed while I went to fold my clothes. "So, how were you and your father while I was in Japan?" I asked and she hummed while slightly swinging her feet.

"We were okay, Uncle. When daddy got sick, mommy went here to heal him. Mommy also taught me how to make cookies. Then, mommy and daddy went to a building party where they played games with other people."

"You mean, team building?" I chuckled and her eyes widened as she nodded immediately.

"Yeah! Team building. Daddy said they were not building things, but it was fun. I got sad because I wasn't there. But then mommy and daddy went to Grandpa and Grandma's house to get me. We ate dinner there and Uncle Yoongi and Daddy got scolded by Grandma." She giggled and scrunched her shoulders quickly. "Oh! And then, we had a picnic and we went to the amusement park. Daddy and Uncle Handsome wore a devil hairband while mommy and I wore angels!"

I saw light and pure joy in my niece's eyes while telling me about their life while I was away. Especially that Seoyeon was included in every part of it. The fact that Hwayoung comfortably calls her mommy already says a lot on how much she loves Seoyeon.

".... then daddy and I played castles!" She cheered which brought my senses.

"Those sounded so great, Hwayoung. I'm glad you had fun. I wish I was there to experience it with you all." I sighed jokingly.

"We can go to a picnic again! Mommy made tuna kimbap for us when we went to a picnic."

"You really love Seoyeon, huh?" I chuckled and she nodded with a smile, a dimpled-smile like his father. "Do you think hyung really loves her?" I unconsciously asked and she tilted her head as she looked at me.

"I think daddy can answer that." She responded reassuringly and I wonder how this kid could show assurance.

"If I will ask you based on what you see, are they happy together?" I asked casually to her.

"Hm.... I think so." She shrugged. "I see daddy make mommy smile and laugh. Daddy told me that mommy and I always make him feel happy and complete." She said while fiddling with her fingers.

I just nodded and showed a small smile before proceeding to folding my clothes. Hwayoung stayed with me until I was done. All throughout the time in my room, she was telling me about her kindergarten experiences, about hyung and Seoyeon, and on how happy she is to see me. After hearing most of the things that happened, I realized that maybe hyung does genuinely love her. Besides, I can't do anything now. She is already his girlfriend. I love her but she loves him.

When I was done folding my clothes, I ushered Hwayoung to her room. She have to attend her online language class. After that, I went downstairs to get me a glass of water. While I was walking towards the kitchen, I heard hyung talking to someone so I stopped and hid behind the walls. I took a peek and saw him talking to the phone.

"Oh, they're beside you? Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Park!" He suddenly greeted with a happy tone, and then added, "Please, just call me Namjoon, sir. Also, I would like to apologize for not being there to present myself personally. There was an emergency and I can't leave with Seoyeon."

So he was supposed to leave with Seoyeon today, to meet her parents. What is his emergency? Was I the emergency? These thoughts circled my mind as I continue to listen to his responses.

"Very much, ma'am. I love your daughter with all of my heart." His voice had certainty and sincerity as he said those, then he suddenly gasped a little. "Sure, sir! I would love to meet the ones who raised this wonderful lady named Park Seoyeon." He added.

I glanced at the expression he has and saw relief and happiness. It seemed that Seoyeon's parents like him for her.

"Okay, my love. Take care and I love you." He bid with his dear voice, I smiled a bittersweet smile.

After the call ended, he turned around and he saw me by the corner. I cleared my throat and acted casually walking in.  I walked pass him and went to get a bottle of water from the fridge. He was about to leave when I decided to ask him about what he said on the call.

"Why didn't you leave?"

He stopped and faced me, "What do you mean?" He asked.

I shrugged and closed the bottle after drinking, "I heard you were suppose to be with Seoyeon today. Why didn't you leave?" I repeated.

"Oh.... Well, I didn't want to leave without making amends with you. I don't want to enjoy my day knowing I ruined yours." He explained while I just nodded.

I then heard him sigh as his eyes lowered its gaze. "I'll get going now. I need to pick-up our lunch that I ordered." He bid and excused himself.

I was left in the kitchen, contemplating about all the things that I've heard and known since yesterday. Tomorrow is already my flight back to Japan and I really wanted to make the most of my stay because it might be months or even years before I could go home again. And of course, I don't want to leave with a huge pain in my heart.

[A/N: Hey there! It's been so long since I've updated, I'm so sorry about it. Things became so stressful and I had no will to write. How are you doing? I missed being active here. I hope you liked this update, I will write more soon. Lovelots!

Before I forgot, we got two celebrations that I missed to celebrate.

Happy 12k & 13k reads, ULY! We won't reach this far without our dear readers. Thank you so much for showing interest!]

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