Kaeya x Reader x Diluc

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Brothers love rivalry

It was a normal day in mondstadt, you were a favonius knight doing...what favonius knight are supposed to do, it was like torture for you but you didn't have much of a choice anyway why ? You had a debt to jean and decided to join the knights so you could help her run her task after you saw how tired she was but anyway.

You had finished your guard tour in the city and was ready to go home when you feel a tap on your shoulder, you turn your head to see kaeya smiling at you

« Hello there ! You finished your job for today i see »

« Ah yeah, I was going home, is there anything you need me for ? »

« Actually, i was hoping for you to go take a drink with me at the tavern »

« Yes sure, sounds fun ! Let me just go home to change and we can go » His face light up a little as he grabbed me by my shoulders « Good ! Let me take you home so we can go to the tavern together right after » I nod as I get his hands off my shoulders « Yes sure, why not »

And so he walked me home, we arrived and I told him to wait for me in my living room. I walked up the stairs, entered my room and started to change. I finished changing and joined kaeya, after that we walk to the tavern. We arrived and as we walked into the tavern the smell of alcohol attacked my nose, the tavern was noisy as always and most of the drunkards are slumped on the tables, completely drunk. We walked toward the counter and sit on stools available, Diluc was the barman today, he's still the same as ever but today his hair was tied in a high ponytail, damn he was really handsome like that, if only he could keep his hair like that all the time. I think I stared a little too long because he looked at me, after an awkward eye contact he asked. « What will your order be » Kaeya responded « I will take.. » but Diluc cut him off and told him in a cold voice « I wasn't asking you. » he then looked at me and I responded. « Oh i will take a glass of dandelion wine please » he nodded as he turn around to prepare the glasses. As we were waiting, Kaeya started speaking. « So tell me Y/N... » I looked at him and he suddenly grabbed my chin, I felt myself blushing at his action. « Huh...K-Kaeya what do you.. » before I could finish my sentence Diluc slammed the glasses on the counter, making me jump from my seat as I quickly take Kaeya's hand off my chin. Diluc gave Kaeya a death glare and told him coldly. « Here's your drink. » Even tho I often see him mad at Kaeya, it's the first time he look at him this way, he's really scary. « Why so cold Diluc ? Aren't you supposed to have a pyro vision ? » I looked at Diluc, he tried his best to stay calm but it wasn't easy with Kaeya joking around like that, then I started speaking. « Please Kaeya, stop that and let's start drinking.. » he replied « As you wish my lady » I didn't even tried to say something and I started to drink my wine.

As hours pass I had drink 3 glasses only , not like Kaeya, who, had drink a lot, he was completely and was saying nonsense. I heard Diluc sigh as he start speaking. « I will never understand how he can drink so much of this. Anyway, the tavern will almost close so I will just call a knight to pick him up. » I nod and some minutes later a knight entered the tavern and picked Kaeya, he told us good night and get out of the tavern. Diluc and I were now alone, I saw there were glasses remaining on different tables and I said. « I see there's still work to do here, do you want a little help ? It would make me happy. » he responded « Yes it would help, thank you. » I nod and started to clear the glasses, few minutes passed and I finished, Diluc and I didn't talked at all after I started to clean, I guess he was too occupied to talk to me and I can't blame him but even tho we are not talking to each other, the silence is really relaxing. After a few seconds to enjoy the silence I heard footsteps and suddenly someone grabbed my hips and put their head on my shoulder, of course I knew it was Diluc since it was only the two of us here but he really take me by surprise. I could feel his breath on my neck, which made me blush, what the hell was happening right now ! What has gotten into Diluc. I was gonna move when he told me with a deep and pleading voice. « Don't move, let's stay like that a little longer, please. » I didn't complained and just didn't moved. We stayed like that a good 10 minutes then he broke away from me, I looked at his face and he had a sweet little smile, so cute, I never knew that aspect of his personality. He spoke up. « Thank you for this moment. You can go home now, I will finish what there's left alone. » I nodded « okay, have a good night Diluc.. » « Also... » he put his hand on my cheek and smiled at me « Be careful on the way home.. » I blushed and smiled « Yes I will, don't worry » I picked up my stuff and smiled at him a last time « Goodnight » I said as I opened the door of the tavern. « Goodnight » he responded back and so I leaved the tavern. After that I simply walked in the city, looking at the beautiful starry night, suddenly I heard footsteps, I turned around and saw a silhouette walking to me. I got a little scared but waited enough to see who it was and to my surprise it was...Kaeya ?! What is he doing here at this hour...He approached me and I noticed he was still drunk. « Kaeya ! Geez what are you doing here, and still awake when you're drunk » he didn't say anything and he suddenly pinned me against the wall near us as he said. « Why did you stayed alone with him.. » I didn't quite understood at first but then he said. « Why did you stayed with Diluc alone at his tavern. » What did he just say ? « Hum..what..? And what are you doing here anyway ? You should be sleeping at your place right now ! » He looked at me right in the eyes, it was the first time I ever saw him so vulnerable. He had so much sadness in his eyes, he really do mean what he is saying. « I can't stand you being so close to him..You should hang with me and no one else. » After that, he took me in his arms and I felt myself blushing. « Hum Kaeya..it's really cute and all but we have to go home now, it's already pretty late.. » No respond. « Kaeya ? » I tried to push him away and noticed he was sleeping. Great, I don't even know where he live, I guess I have to take him with me for today. I sigh and put his arm around my shoulders then walked home. I open the door and enter the house, I take off my shoes, lay him on the couch and put a blanket over him. I sigh and give him a kiss on his forehead. « You act stupid a lot, but that's what makes you cute » I smile and go to my room as I change myself into some pyjamas and go to bed.

I woke up the next morning, it was my my day off today what a relieve, I was done with work this week. I get off the bed and change into comfy clothing, I went down to my living room and saw that the couch was empty, the blanket was still on it but no Kaeya. I turned my head and see a not on the table, I quickly grabbed it and start reading. « Dear Y/N, thank you letting me sleep at your place last night, I appreciate it, I have a special gift for you, meet me behind Angel's share whenever you can, I will wait for you. » A gift ? Just for letting him stay at my place when he was completely drunk ? I guess he just want to be kind, it still make me happy tho, anyway let's go before he wait for too long. I arrived at the back of the tavern, no one was there. « That's strange ? It said in the note he was waiting me here.. » I was gonna start searching for him when someone covered my eyes with their hands and whispered in my ear. « Guess who it is.. » I could recognize this voice everywhere, he was also the one who invited me here. « Kaeya it's not funny, where were you, I was waiting. » He took his hands off my eyes and at my surprise it wasn't Kaeya but...Diluc ? What in the fricking world... « Diluc ?? What the..What are you doing here ? » He remained silent and just walked toward me, one of his hand gently grabs my hip as he put the other on my cheek, he slowly approached his head toward mine, I felt myself blushing. Wait is he going to to what I think he's going to do ? WAIT I'M TOTALY NOT READY FOR THIS. As our lips almost touched a voice suddenly speak. « Aw and you are not even waiting for me, you thought you could take advantage of that and confess first ? Too bad because I'm here, now step back a little would you ? » It was Kaeya ! He's finally here after all. He quickly pushed Diluc aside, who was obliviously not happy about this interruption, well I couldn't blame him after all, I would have reacted the same. Diluc let out an unpleased groan as he looked at Kaeya with anger. « You're annoying, you ruined the moment. » Kaeya laughed. « Oh Diluc, did you really thought you could trick me this way ? How foolish of you. » « OKAY ENOUGH » I shouted. They looked at me, surprised. « Is any of you gonna tell me what's happening here ? I think you made me wait long enough ! » The two of them smiled softly, Kaeya grabbed my hips as Diluc grabbed my cheeks and they said in a sweet tone.

I Love You Y/N


Disclaimer: it's been a while since I didn't write a fanfic so if it doesn't make sense sometime it's normal, also English is not my first language so if there's any grammatical faults it's completely normal, please forgive me for this, anyway see you another time for a new fanfic <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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