Car Wash (In Full)

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Harry walked down the cobbled driveway towards the front door of his girlfriend’s apartment, because he was supposed to be meeting her in a couple of minutes so that he could take her to his parent’s house that evening so that his family can meet her for the first time.

* Knock Knock *

“Hello sweetheart.” Harry said as Sam answered the front door of her apartment.

“Are you nearly ready to go ? It is just that we are kind of running late.” Harry asked Sam, whilst looking her body up and down to reveal that she was wearing a knee length, strapless black dress.

“Yeah I am now ready.” Sam replied, whilst blushing.

“Do you think your family will like me ? Do you think your family will like the outfit I am wearing ? Do you think your family will . . .” Sam asked Harry, as she closed the front door to her apartment and made sure that it was locked.

“Listen sweetheart, you don’t need to worry about what my family might think of you because I know that they are going to like you as much as I already like you.” Harry tried to re-assure Sam.

“Do you think so ? It is just that I wasn’t to sure as to what I should wear tonight.” Sam told Harry as the both of them got into the front of Harry’s car.

“Well it doesn’t matter whether you dress casually or elegantly, because to me you look perfect no matter what.” Harry told Sam.

“Aww thank you Harry.” Sam said.

“Right, let’s get going then.” Harry spoke out loud, whilst starting the engine to the car and driving down the main road.

A Couple Of Minutes Later
After a couple of minutes of driving down the main road, Harry drove the car into a petrol station and pulled up outside the car wash.

“I won’t be long sweetheart. I am just going to go into the petrol station and get a token for the car wash.” Harry explained.

“Oh right. Don’t be long then because the more I sit in the car the more nervous I am getting.” Sam told Harry.

“I promise.” Harry told Sam, whilst leaning over to give her a gentle kiss on the cheek before getting out of the war to walk over to the petrol station.

A Couple Of Minutes Later
A couple minutes later and Harry appeared by the side of the car with a token for the car wash which he had brought from the petrol station.

“Did you get a token for the car wash ?” Sam asked as Harry opened the car door and sat down inside of the car.

“Yeah I did. I got the most expensive one so that I can make sure that the car is completely clean and dirt free for when we arrive at my parent’s home.” Harry explained.

“Oh right. How much did it cost and what does it involve ?” Sam asked Harry, as she saw him typing the numbers into the car wash machine, before driving the car into the car wash.

“Erm, to be honest I am not to sure. I just told the male cashier in the petrol station that I wanted the most expensive car wash that there was.” Harry nervously giggled.

“Oh right. I see. Let’s hope it works then.” Sam said whilst fiddling with the bottom of her black dress.

“It will be alright you know. You don’t have to worry about meeting my parents. They don’t bite” Harry told Sam whilst holding her hand and giving it a squeeze.

“Thank you sweetheart. I just wish I could believe you though.” Sam replied whilst the car wash at the petrol station started, and the car started to get sprayed with water.

“Well, how about I try and take your mind off of meeting my parents ?” Harry asked Sam, whilst looking at her seductively.

“I don’t think you can do anything that will help Harry. It’s just nerves, that’s all. I am sure they will pass with time.” Sam explained.

“Well, how about I try.” Harry replied whilst wrapping his firm arms around her tender waist, and then his fingers gently caressed and rubbed the base of her back as he leaned forward softly pressing his warm, moist lips against hers as he parted them with his tongue.

As soon as Sam felt what Harry was doing to her she laced her tanned arms around his neck and elegantly stroked his light brown hair with her long fingernails. As both of their tongues met Sam slightly heard a faint groan coming from the both of them as their kiss deepened even more.

Slowly Harry unzipped the back of her long, elegant evening dress from which she had been wearing that night to go and visit his family, and as he unzipped the back of her elegant dress he broke away from the passionate kiss that they had just shared between them and tenderly guided Sam onto his lap, trying to avoid the different objects in the car such as the steering wheel.

As Harry watched Sam gently lifting the bottom of her elegant dress towards the top half of her body, he knew that this car wash was going to be very daring and special for the both of them, especially Sam, and from this he knew that he shouldn’t rush whatever is going to take place.

As Harry was thinking about the events that were going to take place between the both of them in the car wash he pulled down the pair of trousers and the pair of boxer shorts which he was wearing that night to his parents house and tried to adjust the car seat so that both Sam and himself would be comfortable.

He gently guided Sam down onto his lap and with her bare back touching the front of the steering wheel he started to place soft butterfly kisses all over her neck as his right hand moved all of the way down her body to where she felt one or two of his fingers playing with the soft, curly, brown hair that had grown in between her legs.

Harry knew that Sam was becoming quite excited as he allowed both of his masculine hands to touch various parts of her bare body, and this is when he quietly whispered into her ear the words that she had been dieing to hear.

“I really love you so much Sam but you have to tell me if I hurt you at anytime.”

“I promise.” Sam nervously said.

As soon as Sam had said those two little words, which Harry had been waiting for he guided his big, firm manhood into her small wet vagina inch by inch, causing Sam to bite down onto her lip from a mixture of pain and pleasure.

When Harry knew that Sam was comfortable with what was happening between the both of them and that she was not in to much pain he allowed his full length to powerfully plunge in and out of her causing her to grip down onto his adorable bum as a surge of orgasms went through her body as he found the exact spot he had wanted and played with it.

“Harry I think I am going to . . .”

“Me to . . .”

As both of them spoke to the other one about how they were nearly close to coming, Harry clenched his teeth as he plunged into Sam for the final time before emptying his load into her, and after a couple of minutes of silence they both looked at one another and said exactly the same thing at exactly the same time which was “I love you.”

Car Wash (Short / Finished Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt