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3 Years Later. Current Age: 18

Eugene laughed, he was in the subway, well..in someones dream while on the subway. Eugene chased the poor teenager with a evil like grin. Eugene had Charlie's scissors, her scissors were a great tool when it came to freaking people out. His demon self chased the unknown teen. Who was currently screaming with light chokes sobs, Eugene had created the scenery to be a back voice, only Eugene could see correctly. Something grabbed him and pulled him out of the nightmare, "what the fuck!?" Eugene cursed turning to see who it was, his eyes widened, "Oh hey Boss-" He started to say but got hit in the head with the fan. "Fuck!" Eugene swatted the fan away, he brushed off his arms and glared at Boss. Sighing he tapped Eugene on the head with the fan "Language" he made a tsk tsk sound. "We don't do this Eugene, you're turning into Charlie." Boss said, looming over Eugene. "I like Charlie so it doesn't matter" Eugene looked down his hair swayed in the light wind, probably from another ghost walking around, "We help people who are being affected by ghosts Eugene." Boss kind of shouted, turning away. Eugene stood up straighter, "So?" He asked, pressing his luck, his brown eyes were blank. Determined to keep a poker face Eugene stared at Boss. Boss looked at Eugene with a surprised expression, "So? That means if you don't want to be eaten up by other monsters you better do as told" Boss flew out in the blink of an eye. Eugene sighed, rolling his eyes, "Okay..." He mumbled, "I need to visit Luke" Eugene whispered and he slipped out of the sad looking Subway train and ended up in the park like usual as he stepped onto the sand Eugene transformed into his old self, it was sort of like an illusion but not, Hayden had been playing with magic and something happened to mess with Eugene's powers. Eugene stared at the empty swing set and walked over to it, sitting down sent chills down his back, Eugene didn't like memory lane but...visiting Luke was worth it. Eugene put his hand above his eyes, "Ugh stupid sun" He grumbled as the sun hit his eyes. Luke's dark brown eyes spotted Eugene, he waved to his blue haired friend probably saying he would be right back. 

When Luke appeared Eugene smiled his brown eyes lit up a bit, "How are you?" He asked, "Doing fine, and uh, 3 years ago..why did you stop coming to school, and like this is one of the first times I've seen you-" Luke asked with a stutter, his curly hair was in his eyes but Luke didn't seem to care about how he looked looked. Eugene sat up straighter in surprise, "Uh- I switched because uh-" Eugene was cut off by Luke's laugh, "Actually don't worry bout it, I'm sure you're doing well though right?" Luke smiled. Eugenes brown eyes went uncertain for a second, "Yeah everything's great!" Eugene smiled back. They could hear Luke's blue haired friend yelling at Luke to hurry up, "Sorry! Gotta go, were getting icecream by the way, wanna join?" Luke offered. Looking at the sand he sighed "Can't, homework" He lied in a weird squeaky voice, "Well, talk to you later Luke" Eugene nodded and got up and left.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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