Chapter 3

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I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DESCRIBE THE Brittany performance

I didn't honestly know where to look

Everyone was everywhere and i didn't know what to do with my eyes so I decided to completely shut them, covering them with my hands

And then the fire alarm was pulled.

Everyone jumped out of their seats and rushed down the bleachers and out of the door, thankfully I was sitting at the top so I didn't get trampled on, unlike sue who now wears a neck collar

So we all decided not to talk about it

And then Kurts dad had a heart attack and Kurt took it heavily. Especially with the fact everyone was turning to god when he didn't believe in him

But he then got better and woke up from his coma and Kurt's been feeling better

Now 2 weeks later we were sat in glee club

"All right guys let's gather around, sorry I'm late. I was with principle figgins. Bad new guys. Pucks in juvie" Quinn scoffed

Tina: "it's really a matter of time"

Quinn: "what did he do?"

"He drove his moms Volvo through the front of a convenience store and drove off with the ATM"

Rachel: "And when is he getting out?"


Brittany: "he might be the dumbest person on this planet and that's coming from me"

"Guys! Let's have some sympathy"

Finn: "for a guy who put his needs before the teams? We need his voice and his bad boy stage presence"

It was kinda sad how no one cared.

But the fact his friends were more worried about the performance and not him was kind of rude of them

"We can't look at this as, as a crisis. It's an opportunity"

Quinn: "for what? Further embarrassment and humiliation?"'

"For welcoming our newest member. Sam Evans" a guy with blonde hair came jogging in

Was that rehearsed?

"There he is."

"How's it going?"

"Hello everybody I am Sam... I am. And I don't like green eggs and ham"

Santana: "oh wow. He has no game"

"okay! This is gonna be great. You're not going to regret joining Sam" finn said getting out of his seat to shake hands with him

"Oh good"

"Sam. You sit right there" Finn directed him and they both took a seat

"Alright questions, what is a duet?"

Brittany: "a blanket"

"A duet is when 2 voices join to become one. Great duets are like a great marriage. The singers compliment one another, push each other to be better. Now some people"

"PST" me and Mercedes look to Kurt
"He's on team gay. No straight boy dyes their hair to look like Linda Evangelista Cirica 1993."

Mercedes: "you're crazy. Cirica 2010"

"...And that is what duet are all about. So this week I want you to pair up and sing a duet, and since you guys seem to love our little defying gravity diva-off I'm making this a competition."

My forever (mike Chang)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt