But he wasn't the only one, River had also caught Lorenzo's eyes, causing a sinking feeling in his stomach, he felt as if he had been turned upside down looking at a painting, one that he'd looked at for years. But being upside down he looked at the painting a new way, the painting was peaceful, calm, collected, while also being ambitious, confident, and overall beautiful. This painting was one that you needed to step back from, one that caused you to think, wonder, and crave. The painting was simply River.

Lorenzo snapped back into reality when River passed him to meet Fred with a kiss. He looked at Astoria, not having the feeling he had just felt for River. Not because Astoria wasn't beautiful, she was just not the beautiful for him. Not the complicated beautiful that River gave him, not the beautiful that he had to solve a puzzle for. He liked that, the fact he had to solve River, and how all of a sudden she was the brightest light in the room.

The realization came across his mind that he didn't know River. He'd known her for years and the only thing he knew was her father was in Azkaban and she had to hide it, but even with that he didn't know the full story, What else was in the mind of River Lorelia Black. She was a mystery, and something in him all of a sudden wanted to solve it. The girl he had known for 5 years, one of his best friends, became the most intriguing thing of the night.

"I need a drink, come with?" Astoria said breaking Enzo's trance, her hands wrapped his neck.

"yea I need one too."

The night got later and people got drunker, people began taking over bedrooms and the couches were fully occupied. Luna and Enzo were in their drinking competition, while everyone else was partying and dancing. Once Enzo and Luna got to their first break point they all met up and squished together on the couch.

"How's the drinking competition?" Ryan asked. Enzo's head shot up facing her "great I'm winning." He answered.

"No you are not, your on the brick of passing out." Luna said teasing Enzo, all she got was a roll of the eyes, being honest he was completely out of it but he wasn't about to say that. "Mate, where did Astoria go?" Draco asked "you've been losing her." Enzo spun his head every which way. "I don't know she's probably fixing her make up, you know we've been in a rough patch but I think we are coming back from it, you know I really love her, like I do." Lorenzo began to slur his words leaving him making no sense by the end of his love profession. "You guys will work it out mate." Theo said patting him on the shoulder.

At the words of Theo, Enzo's world took a spin for the worst, the moment he had known would come eventually was here, the moment he dreaded completely. Even if Enzo was lying through his teeth about loving Astoria, one thing he cared about was her, they had had their arguments as every couple does but that does not mean he didn't care for her or respect her. But all that flooded down the drain along with his heart when he saw Mattheo Riddle leaving a room closely followed by Astoria, hair messy clothes messed up. Everything pointed to what Enzo knew was happening. Astoria was cheating on him. With Mattheo Riddle.

The biggest ocean in the world couldn't hold how much anger had begun to fill Enzo. Every ounce of his body was aching, his teeth were on the verge of chipping from how hard he was clenching them. Enzo was a chill guy but this changed him completely, the hair on his neck rose, chills fell upon his body, he heart hurt. More than could ever be described.

"Enzo are you okay?" River said, being the only one to notice something off.

"I'm fine." Enzo said.

Astoria walked up to him. "Hey, are you having fun?"

"Much, but it seems you're having more." Enzo said.

Enzo stuck his tongue to the inside of his mouth, the rage took him over he stood up firewhiskey in hand power fully walk up to mattheo grabbed his shoulder, causing mattheo to turn, rage filling him at the sight of his face, Lorenzo took the fire whiskey through it in his face, and in one swift motion punched mattheo. Mattheo fell to the floor, Enzo's anger took him over, punching and punching over and over resisting the urge to kill him.

"Omg" River said, hand over her mouth.

"10 on mattheo." Theo said holding out money to Ryan. "I'll take that deal." She said, Enzo earned a few punches and hits from mattheo before a brunette girl hopped in between them "stop! Stop! Please for me." Astoria said, Enzo looked at her anger filling the parts that had just emptied. "You? For you? You think I'm fighting for you? I stopped fighting for you when you entered that room." He said pointing to his chest looking her up and down scrunching his face to contain his anger, as he left the room.

The entire room sat and stared at them. The music had stopped and nothing felt fun anymore. The group of slytherins followed after him.

Enzo sat in the room he shared with Draco and Theo, he wanted to punch something, but he knew how mad Draco would be if he did, and he didn't want to deal with that bloke. He didn't know how to feel, he was betrayed, hurt, and yet he was relieved, he knew that Astoria and him weren't meant to be. He was starting to think he wasn't meant to be with anyone, maybe he was meant to party the rest of his life and not care. Maybe like his parents he didn't have the ability to love.

At this thought the slytherins walked in, led by River, of course they were led by River, she was always the one to help if anyone needed it, she knew what to say and when to say it. It always made Enzo feel comforted but right now even the comfort of River wasn't what he needed.

"Oh...you got knocked." Theo said as he walked into the room.

He earned an elbow from Ryan, "ow, that was mean." Theo replied. Enzo hadn't begun to look up. River walked over to him with a rag. "Can I clean it, I don't want it to get infected, it's pretty bad." Enzo looked up at River's words. He locked eyes with her, she lifted her hand and started rubbing the cloth against his face. It's like she was reading his mind, anything he thought she heard. A wince escaped his lips, but River continued knowing he could take the pain. Draco sat against the wall shaking his head "alright I'm gonna speak up because I one else will, why the fuck would you do that! That was insanity. Have you completely lost your mind? I mean you rough a man today Enzo what the hell. What. The. Bloody. Hell. Have you gone completely mental?" The room went silent and no one spoke.

"Bro I don't know if it's the time, it might be a little two soon." Theo said gathering himself, finally.

Enzo winced again, "fuck" he said under his breath. "Sorry," River said.

Over continued to clean his wounds he had a scratch on his face and a bruise on his eye and from The way he was shifting a bruise on his ribs, River placed her hands on either side of Enzo, "you need to hold still or thus will hurt more." She said continuing her treatment to Enzo.

"I mean were you thinking or just acting." Draco pushed.

Enzo was still not making eye contact with anyone but River. "I was drunk," the pain got worse with every stroke she took. "Merlin River." He said, pulling his face aggressively away. "You were drunk, that's your only excuse for your actions that's pathetic." Draco said not understanding what he was saying. River continued her stroking on his face but hit a spot of sensitivity, which sent Enzo off. "Fucking hell river!" He stood, rubbed his hands through his hair. "I-I can't do this I need air" Enzo said storming out of the room.

The room went silent, "you owe me 10 bucks." Ryan said, looking at Theo.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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