A Day Without Plans

Start from the beginning

For him, perhaps. But not for Helena. She's extremely organised, she hates to forget about things, and she pays attention to details; that's why-like he said-she can't live without her notebook. But she doesn't want to disappoint him, so she takes a long, deep breath and nods. "Okay. Let's do it."

She doesn't need to look at Marco to know that he's smiling. It's just for one day, right? No big deal. She can do it for sure.


It seems easier said than done. Driving around like this without clear plans of which places to go is so against her nature. But she keeps telling herself to be patient. She has promised Marco to do this, and so she must. They go after breakfast in Marco's Audi Q5, with Helena driving. The time is just a bit over ten o'clock and she's already feeling restless. Marco doesn't tell her where to drive; he just tells her to drive around the city, and Helena hates driving without a clear destination like this.

Be patient, Helena. Ten o'clock is way too early to lose your temper.

As they are nearing the lake, he suddenly says he wants to go bowling, so she turns the car around and drives to the bowling place, whilst inwardly cursing. But, hey, at least it's a destination.

And she despises bowling. Marco, on the other hand, loves to bowl and is a rather skilful bowling player. More often he goes bowling with Marcel or Robin or both, since he knows Helena is not keen on it. Now she watches as Marco cheerfully enters their names after they choose the balls they'll use. Oh, fine, she'll try to have fun.

In an hour they get to play five rounds, where Marco-totally-beats her in every single round. His highest score is 228 in the third round, whilst hers is 67 in the last round. Yeah, this is the main reason why she doesn't like bowling; because she sucks big time at it. Marco laughs as Helena's ball rolls into the gutter for five consecutive times.

"Stop laughing," she hisses at him, half-annoyed half-amused, when she walks back waiting for her next turn. "You know I'm terrible at this."

He affectionately strokes her cheek with the back of his hand. "The score is not important. As long as you have fun," he says, before retrieving his ball-and does another strike. Damn it. The smug, crooked smile he gives her when he walks back is both cute and aggravating. She has to admit though, that she enjoys looking at him.

Somehow she feels that today is not just an ordinary day, but she can't put her finger on what it is. It's not hers or Marco's birthday. Not their anniversary either, it's still two months from now. What then? This is why she needs her notebook...

The bowling alley is practically vacant (only two lanes are used), since it's still quite early. She notices that some people keep looking at them. They must have recognised Marco; although he's not wearing his monkey emoji stuff. But, he is the kind of person who stands out in the crowd, even if he wasn't a popular footballer. He just has this natural charm.

Four people ask for autograph and pictures when they are about to leave the place. When they are in the car again, she asks, "So, where are we going now?"

"I'm hungry. Let's have lunch," he replies, fastening his seat belt. "That Chinese restaurant we drove past earlier seems fine."

Helena starts the car. "You don't know if the food is good," she says.

"No, but we won't know until we try it," he says lightly.


As soon as she sees the food, she regrets the decision. She has eaten a lot of Chinese food, and the food in this restaurant makes into the 'top ten worst' list. The spring rolls are soggy and the meat inside scarce. The vegetable stir-fry is bland and tastes of nothing but salt. Lots of salt.

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