“So lets talk about your whole fire bird thing going on” Stiles says and I sigh.

“I found a book a few days ago, I just finished reading it. Its about all most of the Ridgeway blood line are different kinds of Phoenix’s, fire, water, earth, air, lighting, darkness, light, ice and snow. It goes in a cycle. At the moment the cycle is on fire, which is me, and if I have a child and they get it they would be water. Fire is the start of the cycle. My mother is a Snow Phoenix but I don’t think my father is, I’m pretty sure he is human. But when the Alpha attacked me and Jackson he told me I’m the most powerful, and he wants me for my power, but I haven’t made anything of fire, the only thing I’ve done using my power was burning his arms but that was because I had to think about it really hard. Does that mean I could make fireballs and what not? Stiles I don’t know what to do, I don’t want to hurt anyone, I don’t want to hurt you” I ramble on to him and he sighs and kisses my forehead.

I yawn and then Stiles yawns after me.

We hope under my blankets and Stiles is only wearing some sweats while I’m just wearing the shirt he took off and some underwear. Our bodies tangle together and we soon drift off into a peaceful sleep, with no random phone calls from Scott McCall.

The next morning the sun rises and I poke Stiles awake and he just groans.

“Get up idiot, we need to get changed and go to school, plus get some Starbucks on the way” I say to him getting out of bed and grabbing today outfit, fitting my side of the bed and laying it out so I can get into it when I have clean underwear on. I grab dark ripped jeans, a plain grey sweater with a green and white dotted scarf and green toms, with my hair just naturally curly.

Outfit- http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=155428032

“Let’s go to Starbucks!” Stiles says as we run to the jeep. But one the way I notice the food I left out from last night was never touched. I keep running to the jeep and jump inside, trying not to panic over nothing.

“You noticed they didn’t eat any food didn’t you?” I asked Stiles and he nods.

“Does that mean they didn’t come home?” He asks.

I shake my head “They are always home, Stiles what if something happened to them” I say overthinking. We arrive at Starbucks and Stiles just a flat white while I get Mocha and we get back into the Jeep.

“Well what could have happened?” Stiles asks me and I sigh.

“I don’t know honestly” I say as he parks the car and we head inside the school hallways looking for Scott. Well really only me since Stiles is pissed off with Scott after something happened at the Parent Teacher Interview night. We sit down and within five minutes Scott walks in and smiles at me and then looks at Stiles who won’t look at him, still angry. Scott takes the seat next to me and behind Stiles.

“Still not talking to me?” Scott asks Stiles which comes with zero reply.

Child Of Fire ➵ Stilinski {Book 1}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon