New Beginnings- S.B.

Start from the beginning

It pained her to see him this way. His eyes were red as if he had been crying. No one had ever seen him cry. She loved all her friends, but Sirius was always special to her.

That boy could have any girl he wanted, but that's not who he was. He was respectful and well mannered to any women in his life. He felt safe, that's one of the reasons she fell in love with him.

James called his mother into the room, when she saw his face she instantly went to clean him up. Euphemia has basically became his mom over the years. He would spend most of his summer at James' house, his parents were more than happy to have him there. He was basically their son.

Mia walked up to Sirius taking his hand,
"Come on dear, let's get you cleaned up" she started walking him toward the kitchen before she stopped
"Y/N, could you help me please?" She asked

Being pulled out of her thoughts she glances over to Sirius, looking for any sign he doesn't want her there. He slightly smiles at her

"Sure" she finally answers

Standing up following them into the kitchen. Euphemia pulls out a chair making Sirius sit. She walks over to the linen closet pulling out a wash cloth, wetting it and handing it to Y/N

"Clean the area while I get bandages" she smiled

Y/N slowly walks over to Sirius, his head hung low very interested in his thumbs.
"May I?" She asks gently

He looks up, nodding in response. She softly places her hand under his chin, gently wiping off dried blood from his cheek. He flinches when she gets to a sensitive area

"I'm so sorry" she apologizes pulling her hand away

"It's alright" he smiled through the pain. He grabbed her wrist bring her hand back to his face. Guiding her hand showing her how much pressure to put. "Like that" he says

He doesn't let go of her hand until james' mother comes back. His face wasn't that bad only a few cuts and some bruising. Mia handed Y/N the bandages, placing them on his face making sure she didn't miss anything.

"Thank you Y/N" he said when she finished. Placing a small kiss on the back of her hand.

"Come with me Sirius, I'll get you a clean shirt" Mrs. Potter smiled

Y/N washed her hands as Sirius followed Mrs. Potter. Making her way out into the living room where the rest of her friends were, with a faint smile on her face.

"Is he alright?" Lily asked

"Yeah he'll be okay, just a few cuts" she said sitting back on the couch

When Sirius and Mia came back, she announced he will be staying with the potters indefinitely. This brought James joy, not only will he get to see his best friend everyday, but he'll know that he's safe.

The kids spent the rest of the day finding things to do with their time until dinner. They all helped in the kitchen, setting the table and serving the food.

Y/N took her seat right across from her sister. On one side sat Remus, Sirius took the other. They all had separate conversations throughout the table.

James and Lily holding hands on top of the table. "Isn't that sweet?" Y/N sarcastically asked Sirius

"Very" he rolled his eyes
"No it's nice that they have someone" he said

"Yeah" she agreed
"I want what they have one day" she admits

"I know you will Y/N. Any guy would be lucky to have you" he smiles at her

"Thank you Sirius" she smiled back

Sirius takes this moment, he gently places his hand atop of hers under the table.  Y/N tensed up a bit, but didn't pull back. They held hands the rest of dinner.

Night came fast, all of the kids tired from their day. They decided to go to bed early. The girls and boys break off into their own rooms. Y/N tried her best to fall asleep, something kept her up.

She decided to go to the kitchen to get some water. Quietly walking down the stairs hoping not to wake any one. Pushing open the kitchen door, the refrigerator light was already illuminating the room.

It was Sirius getting a drink himself.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know anyone else was awake" she said

"No worries, I haven't been sleeping much" he replies

She grabs a glass and fills it with water from the tap. They stood in comfortable silence.

"Thank you, for today Y/N. I really appreciate it" he spoke

"It's not a problem, I'm just glad you're okay"

"You've always been so nice to me Y/N. Even though you know how my family is, you were never less than kind"

"You're not your family Sirius, I know you. You're a good person" she smiled up at him

He admired her in the pale moonlight that shined through the window. "You look beautiful" he whispered

She didn't reply walking closer to him, taking his hand.
"I'm really glad you're safe, Sirius"

He brought his free hand up to her cheek gently rubbing it with his thumb. Her eyes flickered down to his lips back up to his eyes.

He leans down capturing her lips into a soft passionate kiss. Careful not to touch his face, bringing her hands into his hair.

Throughout the rest of the summer they became the couple everyone knew they should be.

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