Chapter 7 - The Introduction

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"Okay! Wow! it is such a pleasure to meet you Dr DeLuca! My name is Victoria Hughes (feel free to call me Vic) and I work with Maya. " said Vic with a huge grin. 

"Yes! My name is Travis Montgomery and I also work with Maya. She is one of the best captains I have ever had and also she is one of my best friends. So I guess that makes you one of my best friends too!" said Travis with a chuckle. 

"Wow! thank you so much for treating me so nicely! When she told me about you guys I thought you all would have a compeletly different reaction.  You guys seem so nice! ummm.... Are you okay Andy?" Carina asked. 

Andy was staring at Carina with major curiousity and wonder as she was looking at this completly unknown woman and she was intoroducing herself as Maya's girlfriend. Maya wuld have obviously told her right? They were best friends since the fire acadmey..... She wasn't angry about Carina, just super confused.  

"OH! sorry I am just super confused.. Maya has been my best friend for nearly 10 years and she didn't tell me about you.. She tells me about everything going on in her life.. Even when she changes her toothbrush.." Andy sadly said with a small chuckle..

"Okay... that was one time Herrera... Only because it was a cool electric one.." Maya drowsily said. 

"OH MY HOLY COW!" says Travis while the others try not to burst out laughing.. 

"Wow Trav.. I didn't think you liked cows so much" Maya burst out. 

"Maya!!" shouts Carina with tears coming from her eyes

"Don't you ever do that to me again bella. OK?" 

"OK.. Well i'll try.." says Maya. 

The pair shared a hug and the two of them felt more love between them than ever before..

Andy, Vic and Travis all started to cry as well and they all had one big group hug. 

"Seriously though Maya... If you don't look out for yourself every now and again.. I'll - I'll STEAL YOUR GOLD MEDAL AND CLAIM IT FOR MYSELF..." says Vic with a dramatic finish... 

"Ohhh OK OK. You wouldn't dare....." 

"Wait wait wait.. Hold up.. You won a gold medal??!" asked Carina with complete shock.. 

"Yeah! at the 2012 London Olympics... I even sprained my ankle and I managed to win.." said Maya proudly. 

"WOAH! sooo cool!" She took a pause "OHHH! that's why you looked so familar! I saw you on the weeties box in the grocery store"

"Carina, my love.... don't remind of that horrfic picture..." said Maya with embarrsement.. 

The group all laughed and laughed until there stomach were aching... 

Station 19 - Maya and Carina's journey!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz