Erika: G-Gambling...? Again...?

Erika whispers those words in disbelief while i pretend i didnt heard her speak about me in shock

Matilda: For someone so smart, you're doing things the wrong way. Anyways, be sure not to skip after class duties

Y/N: Yeah yeah, i understand. As President of the Student Council, i swear a vow that i shall...not gamble...

Arthur: Awww, you're gonna back out? I thought we were going to the event next week where that one rich prick that owed us an equivalent of 200 USD

Y/N: Crap, i almost forgot about that bastard. But, you know, rich people are so prideful that i doubt they'd back away from the deal and give us the money. I might check my bank account later

Matilda: Someone owes you money?

Y/N: Yeah, a rich fellow that i beat at Chess Blitz. He owes me an equivalent 200 USD in cash but i plan to split it with Arthur

Matilda: T-Thats so extreme...

Johan: And awesome!

Arthur: You better believe it is! Y/N has brains and balls

Me and the others continue to chat about Arthur and my gambling experience about some matches on chess, poker, blackjack and all those sort of jazz. Though, from the corner of my eye, i saw Erika had a serious expression on her face with a hint of some disbelief from hearing all of this from me

Soon, the class simmers down when the teacher arrives to start class and everyone went to their seats as our teacher

Teacher: Alright class, for today's lesson is about Ionizing Radiation. A flow of energy in the form of atomic and subatomic particles or electromagnetic waves that is capable of freeing electrons from an atom, causing the atom to become charged or Ionized

I wrote down what our Chemistry Teacher was writing in the board where as the rest of the class was paying attention. Looking besides me, Erika was paying close attention and writing down the details in precise noting

There was something about Erika that i cant help but glance over at her from time to time. Its like she's a magnet to my eyes

Am i attracted to her...? I shake this feeling off and continue to pay attention at class as the teacher was writing about Alpha Particles and its fission. Sitting back with my pen and notebook ready to write down notes


It was club activities and i was heading the student council to do my club duties and as i walk, i felt my jacket tugged by someone from behind, turning around to see who would be gaining my attention only to see know one was behind me but looking slightly down, i saw Erika's whose short height had me unable to see her at first

Right now...she looks sorta lost

Erika: I need help with directions...again

Y/N: Hmmm?

Looking at Erika who held the club recruitment poster with an adorable expression on her face which i cant help notice and smile mentally at

Looking at Erika who held the club recruitment poster with an adorable expression on her face which i cant help notice and smile mentally at

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2022 ⏰

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