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( Note: Same note as the last 2 chapters, If traditions are wrong go blame Google. It's where I got the info)

" Ok everyone you are not allowed to say Anything the entire video!" Swiftie announced.

" What?! Why?!" Aurore asked.

" Because it's a wedding. You don't say anything in a wedding." Swiftie explained. "If anyone speaks one word you will be tied up and gagged!"

This earned a gulp from mostly the guys.

" Get on with it!" Chloe ordered.

[ Scene is The Cheng house 3 days later. Adrien is waiting out front in a traditional Chinese suit, with the procession of drums , firecrackers, Lanterns and a banner as Marc, Luka, Nath, and Kim in tow as his groomsmen. A young boy ( probably August)is seen with the procession( A tradition to ensure futures sons for the couple)( this is known as the groom picking up the bride but first they must play the door games which is consisted of doing tests in order to be worthy enough to reach the bride, then they have a tea ceremony to pay homage to the brides family)
They go inside and Kagami, Mirelle, Aurore, and Juleka are seen waiting. Meanwhile with Marinette and her mother.....]

All this for Mari-Brat?! Lila thought angrily.

" I can't believe this day is finally here." Sabine told Marinette as she combed her daughters hair.

" If you had told 14 year old me that I would actually be marrying Adrien, I don't think I would've believed it." Marinette said.

" Yángméi, xīnláng láile. Bù zhīdào tā xūyào duō cháng shíjiān cáinéng zhǎodào nǐ." Heng Qui said. ( Yang Mei, the groom is here. There's no telling how long it should take for him to make his way to you.)

" Bànniángmen kāishǐ cèshìle." Shu Wei announced. (The bridesmaids are starting the tests.)

" Zhuājǐn tóufǎ, xià bīng." Granny Mei commanded. ( Hurry with her hair, Xia Bing)

" Shì de māmā." Sabine nodded. ( Yes Mother)

[Scene switches to with Kagami, Mirelle, Aurore and Juleka as they met up with the boys]

" Gentlemen, so glad you could make it." Aurore smirked.

" I hope you realize we are here to prevent you from getting to the bride." Kagami says.

" What?!" Nath exclaims.

" You have to pass the tests first before you can see her, Adrien." Mirelle explained.

" You must prove yourself worthy of Marinette's love." Kagami stated.

[Timeskip because I have no idea how Adrien would prove things. Finally Marinette is seen kneeling on a pillow with her veil covering her face. The tea ceremony begins]

" Why does she have her veil on like that?" Luka surprisingly asked.

" I'm surprised you of all people decided to ask that question....." Juleka muttered only loud enough for Luka to hear.

" To keep the groom from seeing her face until the ceremony." Kagami explained.

" Ràng wǒmen kāishǐ ba" Lei Tao orders. ( Let us begin)

[ Marinette serves her parents, Emilie, Amilie, Felix and the rest of her family while Adrien does the same.]

" Shì shíhòu rēng fēngshànle." Shu Yin nods to Marinette. ( It is time to throw the fan.)

[ Marinette throws a red fan( to symbolize she is now a woman who hopes to be a good wife) A red mat is placed for Marinette as she gets in the Sedan. (this is a weird thing that does happen. The bride is not allowed to put her feet on the ground till the ceremony is over and the bridesmaids can prevent the groom from picking up the bride in order to delay the process or as can be said as " trying to prevent from having to surrender" their friend) They proceed to carry her Where she is led to the family temple so the couple can pay homage . As she gets out Kagami holds a red umbrella above her.( this is a sign of fertility)] 

I should be the one that is carried around like a queen! Lila thought bitterly. Ugh does this witch ever stop thinking negatively?!

[ After the homage ceremony, The couple is then turned to a pillow where a pair of oranges rapped in red sits and so begins the ceremony that symbolizes hope for riches and good luck]

[Next while normally there would be the 12 gifts. Adrien did this a few days earlier. So this next part was Lei Tao giving Marinette gold jewelry with pigs on it.(Pigs means hope for long life, prosperity, many children, and continue of the family line)]

" Yángméi, wǒ bǎ zhège sòng gěi nǐ, xiàngzhēngzhe hé nǐ zhàngfū yīqǐguò shàng xìngfú de shēnghuó." Lei Tao said as she put the necklace on Marinette. ( Yang Mei, I give you this as a symbol of hope for a life of prosperity with your husband.)

[ Next is the wedding banquet with a ten course meal. First the fish( Abundance)is given to the couple, then the suckling pig for Marinette ( for her purity)]

" Min'na ni chūmoku shite moraemasu ka?" Kagami dinged her cup, trying to get everyone to pay attention to the toast. ( Can I have everyone's attention?)

" Watashi wa yanmei to Eidorian o 4-nenkan shitte imasuga, otagai ni kanpekina kappuru o mita koto ga arimasen." (I have known Yang Mei and Adrien for four years now and have never seen a couple more perfect for eachother than them.)

" We wish you long life and happiness together." Luka chimed in.

[ the Chicken and duck for the couple( Peace and Unity), came out for them to eat, and lastly a sweet lotus seed dessert( Fertility) for Marinette.]

" Xiànzài shì xīnniáng hé xīnláng wǎnshàng tuìxiū de shíhòule." Shu Wei commented. ( Now it is time for the Bride and Groom to retire for the evening)

[ Next the couple is led to their wedding night chambers. This scene is skipped because I said so. Except for this part]

" There you are my lady." Adrien smirked as he finally got to lift Marinette's veil.

" Hello my husband." She smiled coyly.

[The next morning Marinette gets up at dawn to honor her ancestors. ( true thing she has to do the morning after)]

" That's a lot of traditions." Max stared in disbelief.

" Yes, but it's very helpful." Marinette giggled.

" So what's next?" Marc asked.

To be continued......

( Sorry it was short but I have no idea what gets said in a Chinese wedding ceremony. I just researched the logistics.)

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