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( Note: All information on Chinese proposals was found on google. If it's wrong go blame them. Again this was not meant as racist. I just headcanon that Marinette's family prefers using the Chinese traditions)

" Uh should we be watching this?" Marinette asked.

" Probably not but I'm doing it anyway. Besides You won't be remembering any of it till it happens anyway." Swiftie said.

" Who's proposal is it?" Rose asked. Everyone proceeded to look at her like ' It's so obvious whose we are about to watch!'

" You're kidding right?" Max asked.

Rose's only response was to stare at him. " Oh my gosh she's not kidding......" Max muttered in disbelief.

" We are watching Adrien and Marinette are we not?" Kagami asked.

" Yep!" Swiftie replied.

[ Scene is a few days later at the Cheng household. Adrien's mother Emilie has arrived in China]

" There you are mother." Adrien hugged Emilie.

" I got everything you asked for. " Emilie said as she tapped on the boxes next to her. "I already spoke to Tom and Sabine, you and Marinette are having dinner at her uncles restaurant."

Marinette turned wide eyed at Adrien. She somewhat knew where this was going. " You look like you've seen a ghost." Juleka said.

" I can tell by the look on your face, you know what's happening." Jean stated.

Marinette didn't answer them. She just said to Adrien " Adrien, are those......?" She trailed off in a daze. All he did was smirk.

" What's going on?" Rose asked.

" Betrothal gifts..." Marinette squeaked.

GIFTS?! WHY DOES THAT NOBODY GET GIFTS?! Lila thought angrily.

" Huh?" Ivan said confused.

" In Chinese culture, there are 6 steps, the proposal, asking of names - which doesn't apply in this case, praying for good fortune, sending betrothal gifts, sending invitations and welcoming the bride. Also unlike engagements and betrothals in France- engagements only last between 4 hours to a few days before the wedding." Marinette explained shakily, still shocked Adrien would actually do all this for her.

" Thank you mother, I want to do right by Marinette and if that means following her family's traditions in order for her to be mine then so be it." Adrien sighed.

" I have no doubt that she will say yes." Emilie kissed his head. " When I fell asleep I never could have imagined you would find your soulmate one day. Then I woke up and I discovered you have the perfect girl for you."

" I want to introduce you to her entire family. Come mother." Adrien said.

[ They went inside where Marinette's grandparents, parents, aunt, great aunt, great uncle, 2nd cousin/First godfather, Marinette's other godparents, her 2 other cousins by her great aunt, and Marinette's Great Grandmother the matriarch of the Cheng family.]

" Mother, you know Marinette's parents, but this is her other family- her grandmother Mei, her aunt and godmother Shu Wei, her Great Aunt Shu Yin , her other godmother Heng Qui, her great grandmother Lei Tao, her grandfather Yan, her great uncle Wang, her 2nd cousin and godfather Hui Ming, her other godfather Bao Chen, and her 2 cousins Hao Chang and Feng Liang."

" Wow, big family." Luka said in disbelief. " Is that normal?" He pointed at the screen to the paused picture of Marinette's family.

" In total yes, in each house hold there is less than 5 people However, when you add the entire family as a whole together it only looks bigger than it is." Kagami responded for Marinette, who was focused on seeing her family she hasn't seen since she was little.

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