Clementine's mouth hung open in disbelief. She could barely process what Draco had said before he slipped out of her office. She scrambled to follow him, but found an empty hallway outside her door.

Who had even told him about the date? She had asked Theo to keep it quiet.

Clementine didn't have time to dwell on it. She was already running late for her date with Theo, and now she had to put herself back together.

"Where's that stupid mirror?" She muttered to herself as she tossed papers across her desk. She found it hidden underneath a textbook and whipped it up to look at her face.

Her face was flushed as she stared back at herself. Her hair was barely salvageable. She grabbed her wand and performed her favorite charm to make her hair fall back into place.

Clementine's lips still felt swollen, and she could taste Draco on her tongue as she walked to meet Theo at Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop.

The building was a sickening shade of pink, and had an interior to match. The pink walls cast a warm glow over the witches and wizards who were crammed into tables and booths exchanging poetic words and lustful glances.

Theo stood up when he spotted Clementine, smiling broadly as she walked towards him. It was clear he had already ordered by the looks of the tea and sweets awaiting her arrival.

"Hi Professor." Vanessa giggled from her own table. She waved at Clementine, "I should have known you would come here with how much you enjoy a good cup of tea."

"Do you want me to issue you a detention, Vanessa?" Clementine shot back at the witch. "On a Saturday of all days?"

"Don't worry." Vanessa hummed, "Professor Malfoy already did."

"What was that about?" Theo's brows furrowed together.

"It's just Vanessa." Clementine rolled her eyes, taking the seat that Theo had pulled out for her. "She's one of my more... difficult students. That would be the best way to describe it."

"I've never heard of a Hufflepuff described as difficult." Theo mused.

"She's only in Hufflepuff because of her lineage." Clementine explained as pastries shaped like golden snitches whizzed past her head to another table. "She's the heir of Hufflepuff or something... I reckon she'd be in Slytherin otherwise."

"So just because she is a bit of a problem you think she would fit in with Slytherins?" Theo ran his tongue over his teeth and let out a low chuckle.

Clementine tilted her head the the side and a hint of a smile played at her lips, "Every Slytherin I've ever known has yet to prove me otherwise."

"Yeah," Theo nodded in agreement, "Zabini was always causing trouble."

"That's not how I remember it at all, actually." Clementine bit her lip as a giggle escaped between her teeth.

"Do you remember the last time we were here?" Theo leaned backwards in his seat. He stared at the woman sitting across from him. She was bathed in pink light from the tiffany lamps that hung like wisteria above their heads and the flush on her cheeks matched perfectly.

Clementine swirled the spoon in her hot cup of tea, letting the metal scrape the sides of the porcelain. She laughed and pushed her hair out of her face, "I remember Malfoy storming in and causing an absolute scene. I don't think I've ever been more embarrassed in my entire life."

Theo's face soured, "I don't want to talk about Malfoy right now."

She could feel the air in the room shift. The two had clearly not been getting along since her arrival, and she couldn't bear the heavy weight of responsibility it put on her shoulders. The animosity between them was her fault.

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