and I started to think that now we were somewhat, together, or at least I thought we were, that he always wanted to kiss me as much as he could.

when he pulled away we made eye contact, I had to look up at him of course since he was so tall.

he quickly shook his head, "sorry," he pulled his eyes away from me, "I, uh, I don't know I can't get enough of you sometimes."

I felt a smile crease on my face as I played with the ends of my long hair like a little girl. he made me feel all giddy and dumb.

"start the car, luke." I spoke in almost a whisper.

he shook his head frantically, "oh yeah, that would be good." and then he twisted the key in the engine.

instantly the car radio blasted a mixtape of calums which was filled of Green Day and You Me At Six which was louder than ever.

luke quickly raced to the volume knob and turned down the volume. he then turned over to me as if he was lost and didnt know what to do next.

I smiled at the hopeless boy, "pull away from the curb." I giggled slightly.

he let out a breath of air and placed both hands on wheel. I watched as his shifted the car into drive and slowly turned his head to see if any cars were on the street with us.

his neighborhood was practically empty.

"here I go Jade." he narrated his actions.

I chuckled, "alrighhht luke..."

"im going Jade."

he hasn't moved from his spot.

"luke," I clapped my hands together, "pull away from the curb."

and then luke finally did what I told him to do and we began steadily driving down his neighborhood street.

the sun shone through the car and his window was cracked a bit, letting some air flow through the car.

"look at me Jade!" he laughed, he was so proud of himself.

I couldn't help but smile at his happiness, "luke.."


"the speed limit is 25."


"you're going 5."

"oh." luke laughed at himself and pressed down on the gas a bit harder.

we drove in silence for quite some time, his radio softy and soundly playing in the background. it was nice.

what I liked about myself and luke is that we enjoyed being in each others company. even if it was silent and we were both not speaking a word, it was perfectly fine.

being with luke was fine.

we finally came to a stop sign which lead to an area where we had to merge onto a more major road. loads of cars passed the intersection, going almost above the speed limit.

luke stayed at the stop sign for quite some time.

I peered over at him in my pink glasses and watched as he scrunched his tiny nose. he always did that when he was concerned.

he didn't know what to do next.

"you have to wait until you have the right of way, bud." I reached out and placed a hand on his forearm.

he jumped at my touch and turned to face me. he pulled his sunglasses on top of his head.

"jade I can't do it there is too many cars." he teased, he knew he could do it.

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