Chapter 2- New Born Part 2

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A/N: This is the second part of the chapter New Born. Hope you like it!

***********3 weeks later**************

"Flight 109 to LAX is boarding now," the man announced over the intercom. Right now I am in Reagan airport in Washington D.C. and I am about to go to my connecting flight to L.A.

"Lauren, I gotta go. My flight is boarding now. I can't believe I'm really flying first class!" I tell her and smile sadly because I never got to say goodbye to her in person since she had to go to work.

"Alright baby, call me when you land! Love you ma sista from another mista!" Lauren yells through the phone making my ears hurt and want to cry.

"Love you too Laurie bear! I'll definitely call you, bye!"

I hang up the phone and pull down my lucky Manchester United jersey. Hesitating I grab my luggage and make my way to the ticket lady. Once I give her my ticket and she gives it back I search for my seat on the plane. It isn't that hard because I have a first class ticket, courtesy of my parents. When I find my seat I put my carry-on luggage in the overhead bin and sit down. Since I absolutely hate flying on planes already, my first flight was to here, I take my iPod out and put Muse's the 2nd Law album on.

Muse is my favorite band and they always get me pumped whenever I listen to them. As I mouth the lyrics to Save Me I notice a guy sitting next to me across the aisle. I don't think much of it since he is a stranger, so I turn up my music and close my eyes. A few seconds into the chorus I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I pause the song and look up to see none other than THE Christopher Wolstenholme smiling at me from the seat next to me. Despite my shaking hands, I take out my headphones and Chris says,

"Are you a Muse fan?" He points to my iPod which is still showing the 2nd Law album cover.

"Huge," I shock myself because I have no idea how I am able to speak.

"Then you obviously know my name," he looks at me and I nod, "well what's your name?" he pushes on and I can feel my face turn ten shades of red darker.

"My name is Cassandra Evans but you can call me Cassi."

"Cassi Evans, cool name. So are they your favorite football team?" Chris points to my jersey and I smile widely.

"Yeah, they are. I love football in general. It's the best sport in the world!"

"Yes it is. Manchester United is a good team but my favourite team is Rotherham United. I bet you already knew that though since you're a fan?"

"No, I didn't," I lied with a shrug of my shoulders.

'Well played Cassi, well played' I think to myself.

"Okay, well who is your favourite band member?"

"Um, that's a tough one. I fancy all of you but I would say my favourite would have to be Matthew," I admit sheepishly. I would've straight out told him but I didn't want to offend him.

"Don't worry, I'm not offended! You're a fan so that's amazing!" I must've said that last bit aloud. "Hey could I have your number by the way?"

"Oh, um, about that. I, uh, just broke up with my fiancée and I don't know if I want to get into another relationship any time soon." I stumble over my words.

"No, not like that! I'm married with kids!"

"I'm sorry, my mind blanked for a second. I forgot you are married to Kelly."

"Yes, I am," he smiles happily probably thinking about her, "but I wanted your number because I was wondering if you wanted to meet the other two members of Muse. We are all staying in L.A. for a few weeks to promote our album."

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