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"Ladies and gentlemen, the male and female division qualifiers are about to begin

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the male and female division qualifiers are about to begin. And with them, we enter a new era!"

The crowd started cheering at that.

"That's why we need a very special guest to kick things off."

"Special guest?" Nicole whispered.

"Let's give a big, All Valley welcome to multi-Grammy-award winning international superstar, Carrie Underwood!"

Carrie walked out and everyone was standing up, cheering, and clapping.

"Who is Carrie Underwood?" Demetri whispered.

"Country music star." Nicole whispered back.

"Oh." Demetri nodded.

"If Courtney we're standing next to us right now she'd be calling you uncultured." Eli whispered.

Nicole giggled. It was true.

"Hello, All Valley!" Carrie exclaimed. "I am so honored to be here. I didn't see a lot of karate growing up in Oklahoma, but you guys know I love to compete, just like these wonderful young men and young women!"

The crowd started going wild again and Nicole looked up there to see Jackson smiling at Moon's excited reactions.

Nicole smiled to herself. Maybe it was a good thing her and Jackson didn't do anything. He could start something new with Moon and maybe she could fix things with Hawk after the tournament.

"One thing I have learned is that everyone gets their shot, their chance in the spotlight. Everyone gets their moment. This one's yours."

Carrie then started singing and Demetri rolled his eyes.

"Now we have sit through a performance?"

Nicole chuckled. "Oh Demetri."

Everyone in the crowd was cheering Carrie on and listening to her performance. She pretty much just stood their and sang, the lights changing different colors.

When she was finished, she took a bow and and walked off of the mat, the matches about to begin.


So far, Demetri had won a match, Robby had won his, Sam won her's, Miguel won one as well and so did Eagle Fang's new girl Devon.

Eli was up next and Nicole was watching his match intently.

He was using defense at the right times and offense at the right times, but it wasn't enough. The other guy scored a point and Nicole huffed.

"You've got this, E!" Nicole cheered him on.

He looked back at her, then back to his opponent, earning the next point and winning the match.

Nicole was up and she bounced on her toes. The girl immediately went for her and she dodged her, sweeping her off of her feet and jabbing her in the stomach, scoring a point.

At the end, it was a close match, but Nicole ended up scoring the final point.

She smiled and Hawk smirked, clapping for her.

After a few more matches, the Miyagi-Do's all regrouped.

Cobra Kai was in the lead, then Miyagi-Do was next.

"Great news." Sam said as her and Nicole walked up to their father.


"Demetri just won his match, so that puts him in the quarterfinals with me, Nicole and Hawk.

"Great." Daniel replied.

"How are we doing here?" Sam asked.

"Mary just won her match and we're still in second overall. We just need one or two of you to advance and we can take the lead. Come on, Chris, you got this!"

Chris went at Kyler, Kyler knowing all of his moves, ultimately winning.

Over on the other mat, the same thing happening to another Miyagi-Do and another one on a different may.

Daniel and Sam's face fell while anger was on Nicole's.

"They know our moves." Daniel spoke up.

"I wonder how." Sam looked to Robby.

"That fucking asshole." Nicole growled.

She went to go up to him and give him a piece of her mind, but Daniel held her back.

"Nicole, no." Daniel scolded.

"We're just gonna let him get away with this?" Nicole shouted.

"Absolutely not. But we're going to handle it the right way. Through the tournament, not by beating him up on the sidelines." Daniel replied.

Nicole let out an angry breath, giving Robby a dirty look, then walking back to their side of the mat.


All of the quarter finalists were lined up on the mat in front of the crowd.

"All right, folks. We've witnessed some great fighting today, but you ain't seen nothing yet. Because we have arrived at the quarterfinals!"

Everyone started cheering.

Standing for Miyagi-Do was Sam, Nicole, Eli, Mary, and Demetri. For Cobra Kai it was Tory, Robby, Kenny, Piper and Kyler. And for Eagle-Fang, it was just Miguel and Devon. There were a few other dojo's still standing as well.

"Which means things are about to get intense. Of the eight boys and eight girls on this stage, one of each will be named All Valley Champion. And then we'll tally all the points to determine which dojo has earned the title of Grand Champion. And since the points get higher in each round, it's still any dojo's game! So you keep your eyes on this here lie mat because we are just getting started!"

This chapter was really short and bad, so I apologize for that. First, I don't want this book to be done until S5 and second, I kinda wanna keep the suspense up, so that's why they've been short. Also, was Carrie Underwood necessary??

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