Chapter 2: Who is he?

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I jump at the knock on my door followed by the headmaster coming in. "I know this is kind of sudden but someone just came and adopted you. Pack your things and then I will walk out to his car."

I frowned, Why? How? No one has come looking for me or even visited... I quickly pack the little belongings that I have left and the ones that they provided for me. Pulling on my packed backpack and grabbing the small bag I walk out into the hallway and follow her down to the front doors where she pauses.

"If you don't want to go with him once you see him you can always come back inside," I nod as she opens the door. I see her scan the side of the streets, I'm assuming she's looking for whoever came in for me. She started to walk towards a black car that had a very tall and skinny looking man leaning up against it. He looked intimidating but also soft a way that was hard to describe.

He pushed himself off of the car and came to grab the bag that I had in my hand. I let him take it and watch as he puts it in the back of the trunk and then open the backseat of the car for me. I say goodbye to the headmaster before climbing in; thanking him for holding the door open for me. He closes it almost gently before climbing into the passenger's seat. That's when I notice that there is someone in the driver's seat already. He was really muscular and had long blonde hair.

"Are we ready to go home brother?" the blonde one asks and the other nods slightly, not even looking at him. With that I feel the car start and we pull into the street.

Loki Laufeyson: New Dad or Something MoreWhere stories live. Discover now