"Whoa, they smell so good! Y/N-chan must've used so many different fillings." Tanjiro commented as the others started helping themselves. Sanemi was, again, dumbfounded. "They smell... good?"

"Heh – taste good. But what Y/N made during our training is a lot better." Inosuke added in between chewing. He was eating so fast that he would have probably eaten them all had it not been for Zenitsu who stopped him. This caused another round of chasing around, Nezuko following along leaving Sanemi with his brother and Tanjiro.

"Yeah, I kind of agree with Inosuke, Nemi." Genya said. "That's because I made these." Sanemi finally declared. He sat beside them, arms tensely crossed over his chest and forehead in knots. "Ah! Sorry, I thought Y/N-chan made these. Ah, you are a good cook, too Shinazugawa-san." Tanjiro added. All of their bad blood long forgotten now. Still, Sanemi didn't agree.

"Y/N hates it. She hated everything I cooked for her!" Once he started, he couldn't stop! "She barely ate this week, and I thought it was because she was feeling sick but no – she just thinks my food smell awful." He whipped his head, the two younger boys looking on at him with their mouths hanging open. "And get this, she said I kept giving her spoiled food! That everything I cooked smelled awful!"

"I made her perfectly cooked tamagoyaki this morning and all she told me was why do I keep feeding her spoiled food."

Genya was still looking on at him stupidly, not knowing what to say. That was weird. They were eating perfectly good food, and that doesn't sound like Y/N at all. Tanjiro on the other hand cocked his head to the side. "Was she always like that?" He thought back to all his times with her. While most of it were back when she was still a demon, they did spend some time when she was human again. And she wasn't picky when it comes to food. Oh!

A fond smile appeared on Tanjiro's face, making Sanemi angrier. "The hell you smiling about?" "Oh, it just reminded me of my mother." Now it was Sanemi's turn to cock his head and wonder what he was talking about.

"Her sense of smell is extremely sensitive when she's pregnant. I think it was with Hanako when I saw her crying over eggs. She loves it you see, but suddenly gags at the smell. But that's how she could tell she was pregnant... ah!"

Realization dawned on them at the same time. Sanemi was shaking, not out of anger this time. "I need to get home." He declared before running off.

Pregnant. She could be pregnant.

They have a sliding door, but it may as well be the western style one now since Sanemi almost barrelled it open. He saw Y/N hunched on the floor, crying over the broken plate and spilled egg. "I'm sorry!" She said the moment they locked eyes. "I was being stupid, of course you won't feed me spoiled food. I'm just sick... but I'll..." His poor wife could barely speak. She's been crying this whole time?

"Please don't hate me..." She whimpered. Sanemi scooped her up, he wiped her tears even kissing some away. The saltiness almost tasted sweet to him. Because this was all very silly. Sanemi laughed, making Y/N whine. "Don't laugh at me."

"I'm not – I... I think we should see a doctor."

Rotten eggs. That's what Sanemi decided to call his first child, much to Y/N's chagrin. "I guess that's one way to find out we're having a kid." He said as he hugged his wife from behind. His hand resting on the stomach that is yet to grow with their child. Sanemi couldn't stop smiling. A child, together.

Y/N pouted, still feeling bad about how she was to Sanemi. And thinking how it would probably get worse as her mood gets affected. "Heh, I'm prepared now. It's going to be ok." Sanemi comforted her as they started walking home. This still felt new. Sanemi and Y/N walking hand in hand in the afternoon. It was all worth it, he thought. Walking the busy street with his wife beside him and their child growing in her was worth everything they went through.

In their rush to the doctor, Sanemi completely forgot to eat. That was why the scent of yakitori with what smelled like sweet, roasted onions was very enticing. Not for his wife, though. They might know why she was raging and kept saying their food was spoiled, that doesn't mean it will stop though. So, what was making Sanemi drool was irritating her. So much so that she said, "Don't walk closer there, it smells like shit." In true Shinazugawa fashion. Surprising an old man walking right in front of them.

Sanemi was amused, the old man not so much. "Young ladies shouldn't curse like that!" He lectures, Sanemi was ready to rough up this guy, no matter how old he was, for daring to look and talk to his wife that way.

Y/N on the other hand just looked on and told the guy to, "get fucked." Oh hormones.

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