Chapter XXIII: - "Verbal Turned Into A Verbal Plus Physical Confrontation"

Start from the beginning

Suddenly he found that Baloo was all but thus so following up behind him. "Well I will say just so on up and all so from over here indeed just whatsoever do you know?!??!?" Thought The Black Panther.

Meanwhile Baloo was quite very clearly displeased with his knowledge about what were Bagheera's intentions behind what he did. Therefore The Gruff Brown Bear Baloo was all quite determined to go get for himself a chat with The Black Panther Bagheera about all of this "Man-Village" business that Mowgli had said to him that the black panther was talking about, and to give him a piece of his mind for having all deliberately purposefully so sabotaged all of those and these efforts of his for the Man's-Cub to pass "The Running", despite how it could always be taken on the next year for all of whosoever yet in turn did not pass it.

"Alright Bagheera, first of all is just what certainly exactly is all of this up over here so rank nonsense that Mowgli had told me of how you said that alone some local Man-Village at all can protect him and not the strength of The Pack against that lame butcher?!??!?" Called The Serious Quite Gruff Brown Bear Baloo over to The Black Panther Bagheera.

Yet Bagheera did not answer this question asked of him by the brown bear. Instead Bagheera continued with his walk.

"Nothing I can think of to get someone like that bear to understand it." Thought Bagheera.

"Oh Bagheera, over here! Alright Bagheera, please take care that you please do not ever just walk away from me!" Shouted Baloo, who then very challengingly asked him, "OK Bagheera, here yet alas it seems to me that you have all but just so happened to have forgotten your place!"

"Oh I understand my place well enough if you do think as much as what you did just so happened to have just managed to say to me." Retorted The Cunning Black Panther Bagheera very eventually in annoyance and most very especially as so quite well as indignation.

"Cut All The Cow-Dung Bagheera The So At All Constant Ever So So Great Cunning Plus Clever Black Panther!" Warned Baloo.

As Baloo said those words had was it itself that all but soon they came on by a small clearing with some fallen trees and some fallen branches set up nearby some cliff edge right nearby whichever was a path leading to the lower and flatted pathways from throughout all out of these areas, thus right when all of a sudden, as it all had turned out, The Brown Bear Baloo was soon getting quite really incredibly rather so all of quite the more so of most annoyed of how it was The Black Panther was quite by far altogether indeed over here clearly deliberately ignoring him as they were walking. The Brown Bear Baloo spoke again, thus saying all of the so whole entire wide wile as they had made it there, "Listen Bagheera, if you are doing so ever at all, and please so do understand that all but I saw that look in your eye as and as well as when you were standing over him!"

Here Bagheera certainly eventually very finally had had quite enough. "Understand Baloo, all so then in that case, that I did what I did because I had to." Said Bagheera in his defense and as he spoke had he slowly stopped to have then after it all then turned himself around to look at the bear this conversation that was soon enough all but starting to turn into a confrontation with had been hoped by the black panther himself whilst to end up prevented from turning too out of hand and out of control.

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