"Aren't we too early? The sun won't rise for a few hours still..." Harry pointed out quietly.

"Maybe, but I think we can make the most of the time while we wait for the sunrise. Don't you think?" Draco murmured back, enjoying the feeling of being out in the night and just being peaceful.

"Yea, I guess it is nicer than just lying in bed," Harry mumbled back, starting to actually take in the fact that he's here, on the beach, with Draco, in the middle of the night. Yeah, he could get used to this.

A few long blissful minutes passed before Draco checked his phone. It was like he had timed it perfectly because the time had just turned to 12:00am, meaning Harry was finally seventeen years old.

"Happy birthday, love." He whispered to Harry who turned in his arms to look up at him, a smile grazing on his features.

"Thanks," Harry almost giggled when Draco placed feather light kisses all over his face.

"How does it feel to be seventeen?" Draco teased, smirking a little.

"Oh it feels totally different! Yep, I feel loads older and more responsible, not to mention way stronger and taller, and definitely not innocent at all anymore." Harry joked back sarcastically, causing both of them to laugh softly.

"Stronger and taller you say?"Draco raised an eyebrow with a small smirk pulling at his lips.

"Mhm." Harry confirmed with a nod.

Without warning, Draco practically hefted him up into his arms, and before Harry knew it, he was being carried bridal style down the beach, right towards the water. He suddenly started to panic, he knew the water was going to be freezing cold, plus he was in his pyjamas and didn't really fancy them getting soaked in salty sea water.

"Dray- Draco! No- stop- put me down! Go back! No!" Harry complained but was also laughing the whole time as he wrapped his arms around the back of the blonde's neck, holding on for dear life as he walked into the water.

Suddenly, Draco seemed to remember that he also didn't really want to sit in cold wet pyjamas for the rest of the morning, and so turned back just a few metres, away from the gentle waves. He then put Harry down who took a few steps further back just to be safe from the cold water. Draco paid no mind to that though, stripping from his sweatpants and shirt until he was only in his briefs.

He then retraced his steps back into the water. It was cold for the first few seconds, but then he adjusted to the temperature and it didn't feel so freezing, it was almost a refreshing feeling. Though he noticed once he turned around, that Harry was still standing there on the beach, staring at him in disbelief.

"C'mon, Haz! It's really not that bad once you get in!" He called, holding his hand out in front of him in an inviting way.

Harry seemed to have a moment of doubt before he too stripped down to his briefs and more cautiously made his way into the water. He got to waist depth before Draco could reach him and pulled him forward. At this point Harry could just barely stand in the water, it being up to his shoulders as he clung onto Draco for dear life, his body like a koala around Draco's torso.

"It's so cold!" He whined as he shivered from the coolness of the ocean.

"Don't you dare let go of me," He then pleaded as Draco brought them a little deeper, he could still stand, but it was now too deep for Harry to stand and keep his head above the water.

"Wouldn't dream of it," Draco smiled before pulling Harry closer to him so they were chest to chest. The body heat warms Harry up a little more.

The two of them stayed like that for a bit, just floating in the water, still cuddled together. Harry's arms wrapped around Draco's shoulders and neck, while Draco looped his arms around Harry's waist. The smaller boy let his head rest in the crook of the blonde's neck, Draco's chin resting on top of the head of messy brown hair.

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