1. In With the New, Out With the Old

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"This is exactly the kind of thing I am talking about. I can't stand this controlling thing that you have going on. When I come home I would like to be greeted and asked how my day was but every time it's something new. God, I wish I had never met you."

He grabs his suitcase and he is out of the door. 

The slamming sound of the door replays in my head. How could I have been so wrong about him? Why didn't I see it all?

Moments slip away from you faster than you can even think about. Now that I think of him, all I can think of is the memories of our fighting and him leaving and coming back again and again. Something about this time seems different to me. I don't know if he will come back this time. 

Good riddance I guess.

I don't know exactly what to do after he walks out. Do I run after him? Do I scream or cry or laugh?

I sit on the sofa thinking of terrible memories. One replays in my head. 

It was the night after he moved in when he came back after our first breakup. 

We lay in our bed. 

"I'll never leave you, Aurora, I promise I won't. I couldn't possibly imagine a world without you." At the time I believed him. I truly did. I wanted nothing but for him to come back so I could rush back into his arms. We had the toxic movie love you always see. This time, I wouldn't let him come back. I will stand my ground this time. I hope he never comes back. 

I stayed in the dark for what seemed like hours. The only reason I got up was to answer the phone that just wouldn't stop ringing. 

"Aurora," I say into the phone. 

"Hey, I was just going to tell you that I will be picking you and Justin up like 10 minutes later than planned. I got stuck in traffic."

Shit, I thought. I completely forgot about the dinner that was planned tonight. 

"Oh that's okay, Justin won't be coming, he had to go on some last-minute trip to see his parents. He will be gone for a while."

I'm lying but I don't want to hear another 'I told you so' from her again. 

"Okay see ya in 10, kisses!"

"Hugs!" I hang up quickly. 

I can't bail on this. We've been planning it for a month. We got a reservation at a really expensive restaurant. Julia's new rich boyfriend is paying for it. If I am honest, I have been praying they wouldn't break up before he could pay. 

That sounds messed up but Julia has a record for hopping from guy to guy. She seems to be having fun so we all just leave her be and try not to bother her about it. 

I'm not sure how long I will keep it up that he's just a way for a while but right now I just need my space. I need time to think for myself. 

I wait in the lobby of my apartment building for Ella to pick me up. 

A man bumps into me on his way in. I drop my phone and he drops the books he was carrying. I help him pick his things up. 

"I am so sorry, I was in a hurry and-" he says full of concern. 

"Don't worry about it, really." I smile at him. 

He smiles back at me. As he walks to the elevator, constantly looking back at me, he bumps right into the elevator doors. I laugh and so does he. 

He made me smile for the first time today. I hear a honk outside and run out. 

As I get in the taxi, Ella says, "We honked three times, what took so long?" 

33  | ONC 2022जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें