The AU

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This is an explanation for my AU since I forgot to put it at the very beginning.

I'll only do a few characters, such as Licorice Pomegranate and Mushroom, but if you guys want more then I'll add more of the others. Until then though this is all the AU info that I have for the story so far


Like I explained in the 2nd chapter, Licorice and Pomegranate used to be in love, and they had Mushroom. But shortly after Mushroom was born was when the problems started, and they eventually broke up when Mushroom was 2 years old. But since they still live in the castle, they agreed that Mushroom could go see both their parents whenever they wanted, so there was never any issue about when they went/wanted to see whichever parent.

Also, in my AU everyone does have an age, because from what I found while researching for their ages, I found out that none of the cookies have an official age. So here is a age chart, including Y/N's age:

Y/N: 22-24

Licorice: 25-26

Pomegranate: 25

Mushroom: 6-8

Dark Enchantress: 1,875,194 (I really had no idea how old she would be lol so I just went with this age, since I assume she would be almost as old as Pure Vanilla)

Red Velvet: 28-29

Dark Choco: 31

Strawberry Crepe: 8-10

Another part of my AU is that Licorice, Pomegranate, Red Velvet, Mushroom and Dark Choco are all black. Dark Enchantress does have a tan to her skin, and Strawberry is white. Now if you don't like that, then I'm sorry but this is how I would think they would all look, so please do not judge me for my opinion.

Although the art I put in this book usually shows him being white or with his OG skin color from the game, it's only because I hardly find pictures of him with black skin, and I always get the images from Pinterest, so that's one of the reasons on why I can hardly find images of him like that.

And the last part of my AU that will be explained is the bedroom all the cookies have in the castle. If you remember the part where Dark Choco explained about the rooms, then you know where this is going, but if you don't, then it will be explained here.

Now, from what I put in the first chapter, depending on how many missions you do, and on how well you do them, after doing a certain amount of those, you will be able to customize your room however you like. Meaning you could put anything in it, meaning a kitchen, bigger bathroom, library, anything that you may want to where you don't even have to leave your room unless you were to go to the meeting chamber to go get your missions or to discuss plans with Dark Enchantress and everyone else. So basically, you could make a castle, inside of the castle. And if you wonder how, then know that it's Dark Enchantress who will be making your room into how you want. So she will usually do spells and charms and all that to make the room be bigger than what it should be.

And that is all! I hope you enjoyed this! 3rd chapter will be here soon!












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Wow, you really didn't believe me.
Well since you're here take this very ✨nice✨ image of Licorice

Well since you're here take this very ✨nice✨ image of Licorice

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